Syntax Reference

Name Syntax Description
COPY v0 = v1; Copy v1 into v0.
* v1
*:2 v1
*[spc]:2 v1
Dereference v1 as pointer into default space. Optionally specify a space to load from and size of data in bytes.
*v0 = v1;
*[spc]v0 = v1;
*:4 v0 = v1;
*[spc]:4 v0 = v1;
Store in v1 in default space using v0 as pointer. Optionally specify space to store in and size of data in bytes.
BRANCH goto v0; Branch execution to address of v0.
CBRANCH if (v0) goto v1; Branch execution to address of v1 if v0 equals 1 (true).
BRANCHIND goto [v0]; Branch execution to value in v0 viewed as an offset into the current space.
CALL call v0; Branch execution to address of v0. Hint that the branch is a subroutine call.
CALLIND call [v0]; Branch execution to value in v0 viewed as an offset into the current space. Hint that the branch is a subroutine call.
RETURN return [v0]; Branch execution to value in v0 viewed as an offset into the current space. Hint that the branch is a subroutine return.
PIECE <na> Concatenate two varnodes into a single varnode.
SUBPIECE v0:2 The least signficant n bytes of v0.
SUBPIECE v0(2) All but the least significant n bytes of v0.
POPCOUNT popcount(v0) Count 1 bits in v0.
INT_EQUAL v0 == v1 True if v0 equals v1.
INT_NOTEQUAL v0 != v1 True if v0 does not equal v1.
v0 < v1
v1 > v0
True if v0 is less than v1 as an unsigned integer.
v0 s< v1
v1 s> v0
True if v0 is less than v1 as a signed integer.
v0 <= v1
v1 >= v0
True if v0 is less than or equal to v1 as an unsigned integer.
v0 s<= v1
v1 s>= v0
True if v0 is less than or equal to v1 as a signed integer.
INT_ZEXT zext(v0) Zero extension of v0.
INT_SEXT sext(v0) Sign extension of v0.
INT_ADD v0 + v1 Addition of v0 and v1 as integers.
INT_SUB v0 - v1 Subtraction of v1 from v0 as integers.
INT_CARRY carry(v0,v1) True if adding v0 and v1 would produce an unsigned carry.
INT_SCARRY scarry(v0,v1) True if adding v0 and v1 would produce an signed carry.
INT_SBORROW sborrow(v0,v1) True if subtracting v1 from v0 would produce a signed borrow.
INT_2COMP -v0 Twos complement of v0.
INT_NEGATE ~v0 Bitwise negation of v0.
INT_XOR v0 ^ v1 Bitwise Exclusive Or of v0 with v1.
INT_AND v0 & v1 Bitwise Logical And of v0 with v1.
INT_OR v0 | v1 Bitwise Logical Or of v0 with v1.
INT_LEFT v0 << v1 Left shift of v0 by v1 bits.
INT_RIGHT v0 >> v1 Unsigned (logical) right shift of v0 by v1 bits.
INT_SRIGHT v0 s>> v1 Signed (arithmetic) right shift of v0 by v1 bits.
INT_MULT v0 * v1 Integer multiplication of v0 and v1.
INT_DIV v0 / v1 Unsigned division of v0 by v1.
INT_REM v0 % v1 Unsigned remainder of v0 modulo v1.
INT_SDIV v0 s/ v1 Signed division of v0 by v1.
INT_SREM v0 s% v1 Signed remainder of v0 modulo v1.
BOOL_NEGATE !v0 Negation of boolean value v0.
BOOL_XOR v0 ^^ v1 Exclusive-Or of booleans v0 and v1.
BOOL_AND v0 && v1 Logical-And of booleans v0 and v1.
BOOL_OR v0 || v1 Logical-Or of booleans v0 and v1.
FLOAT_EQUAL v0 f== v1 True if v0 equals v1 viewed as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_NOTEQUAL v0 f!= v1 True if v0 does not equal v1 viewed as floating-point numbers.
v0 f< v1
v1 f> v0
True if v0 is less than v1 viewed as floating-point numbers.
v0 f<= v1
v1 f>= v0
True if v0 is less than or equal to v1 viewed as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_ADD v0 f+ v1 Addition of v0 and v1 as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_SUB v0 f- v1 Subtraction of v1 from v0 as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_MULT v0 f* v1 Multiplication of v0 and v1 as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_DIV v0 f/ v1 Division of v0 by v1 as floating-point numbers.
FLOAT_NEG f- v0 Additive inverse of v0 as a floating-point number.
FLOAT_ABS abs(v0) Absolute value of v0 as a floating-point number.
FLOAT_SQRT sqrt(v0) Square root of v0 as a floating-point number.
FLOAT_CEIL ceil(v0) Nearest integral floating-point value greater than v0, viewed as a floating-point number.
FLOAT_FLOOR floor(v0) Nearest integral floating-point value less than v0, viewed as a floating-point number.
FLOAT_ROUND round(v0) Nearest integral floating-point to v0, viewed as a floating-point number.
FLOAT_NAN nan(v0) True if v0 is not a valid floating-point number (NaN).
INT2FLOAT int2float(v0) Floating-point representation of v0 viewed as an integer.
FLOAT2FLOAT float2float(v0) Copy of floating-point number v0 with more or less precision.
TRUNC trunc(v0) Signed integer obtained by truncating v0 viewed as a floating-point number.
CPOOLREF cpool(v0,...) Obtain constant pool value.
Allocate an object or an array of objects.
MULTIEQUAL <na> Compiler phi-node: values merging from multiple control-flow paths.
INDIRECT <na> Indirect effect from input varnode to output varnode.
CAST <na> Copy from input to output. A hint that the underlying datatype has changed.
PTRADD <na> Construct a pointer to an element from a pointer to the start of an array and an index.
PTRSUB <na> Construct a pointer to a field from a pointer to a structure and an offset.
INSERT <na> Insert a value as a bit-range into a varnode
EXTRACT <na> Extract a bit-range from a varnode