Ghidra Version Tracking

What is Version Tracking?

Version Tracking

Version Tracking (continued)
Preparing for Version Tracking


If the following conditions are not met, the results of Version Tracking will be incomplete or incorrect:

Version Tracking

To open the Version Tracking tool do one of the following:

The source program is the program with interesting markup.

The destination program is the new program that you want to pull match information into.

Validators check to see if there are any potential issues with the programs that would keep you from getting good results. If you get any warnings or red X's you should inspect and potentially fix any problems in your programs before continuing. Any results that are obtained using programs that are not sufficiently cleaned up are not guaranteed to be complete or correct!


Correlation Algorithms

Match Table

  • Can apply one or more match at once (select rows in table or do Ctrl-A for whole table selection)
  • Special filter button in lower right allows filtering by correlator, match type, and accepted/available matches
  • Markup Table

    Decompile/Listing Views

    Functions List
    Exercise 1