―O123456789+- Necessary Hero Value Valkyrie Value End Enough Not yet Name God Level Platoon Evaluation Value Hero Value Materialize Point Evaluation of desired abilities Total Acquired Hero Value Hero Value Victory In War Defeat In War Military Exploits Victories Defeats Death In Battle A massive ice field lies in the far north of Asgard . It is called the Jotunheim Ice Field and it is home of Vanir led by Surt. It is a frozen world dominated by a sheer ice cliff which rises in the air. Looking down upon the field is Jotunheim Palace, home base of Surt's Vanir Army. And on that day, the Vanirs were assembled as far as the eye could see, awaiting the coming of. the mighty Aesir. The entire Aesir Army is assembled and prepared to advance on Jotunheim Palace. Now, the final battle begins··· A B C D E F G H I J Jelanda Lawfer Belenus Llewelyn Kashell Janus Nanami Yumei Aelia Jun Lyseria Badrach Grey Lorenta Shiho Jayle Suo Gandar Lucian O―Freya 「It has been a long time, Lenneth. Our current situation is as follows. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· Our forces are routing the enemy. If things continue as they are, all is well. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· We are firmly in control. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· We are doing quite well. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· It is difficult to say who is winning. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· The enemy is fighting ferociously. We must take care. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· We are somewhat on the defensive. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· We are in fair shape. O―Freya 「Our current situation is··· If things do not improve, I'm afraid we are doomed. O―Freya 「Do you wish to know the status of our Einherjar? ―Freya 「You wish to know his status? ―Freya 「You wish to know her status? ―Freya 「Is that enough? ―Freya 「Not yet? Very well. ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· OIt is magnificent. ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· OYou are doing well. Please continue as you have been. ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· OSend us warriors brave and true. ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· You are doing fairly well. ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· You must try harder. ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· The situation is grim. Are you truly doing your best? ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· I am bitterly disappointed in you. ―Freya 「Lenneth, about your performance··· OYou must do better. Lord Odin's wrath is a terrible thing to behold. ―Freya 「These are all the Materialize Points I can grant you at this time. ―Freya 「The Lord Odin is pleased with you. He bids me give you these artifacts. ―Freya 「Lenneth, I have a request to make of you··· We need more warriors. Send us a warrior with good battle skills. We need a warrior skilled in battle tactics. Send us someone with a good knowledge of artifacts. ―Freya 「Lenneth, I have a request to make of you··· We need archers. Send us someone who can strike from a distance. We need an Einherjar who can gather intelligence. Send us an Einherjar skilled at reconnaissance. ―Freya 「Lenneth, I have a request to make of you··· We must send an emissary to those troublesome light elves. Can you send an Einherjar who is as skilled at negotiating as they are? We need a warrior skilled in battle tactics. We need an Einherjar wise in the lore of demons. We need an Einherjar who can gather intelligence. ―Freya 「 Lenneth, I have a request to make of you··· We have many powerful warriors, but we need one who can move swiftly. Send us an Einherjar who is both swift and nimble. Send us an Einherjar skilled at swimming. We need someone who can issue battle commands. We need swordsmen. Send us a warrior who knows how to wield a blade. ―Freya 「Lenneth, I have a request to make of you··· We must form a platoon that can battle the dragons. We need someone who fears not death, one who will fight to the last. We must perform a ceremony. We need a sorceror wise in the lore of magic. We need an Einherjar wise in the lore of monsters. We need swordsmen. Send us a warrior who knows how to wield a blade. ―Freya 「Lenneth, I have a request to make of you··· It seems that the Accursed Flame Gem which can remove the ice seal is broken. There is someone in the Forest of Spirits who can repair it. We must repair the Accursed Flame Gem before the attack from Jotunheim begins. Lenneth, I am giving the Accursed Flame Gem to you to hold. Bring the Accursed Flame Gem to the Forest of Spirits and have it repaired. I have heard that Nifleheim is engaged in some suspicious activities. I do not think they will attack us anytime soon. In any case, please send us an Einherjar who is knowledgeable about the Undead. We need sorcerers. Send us someone skilled in the art of magic. ―Freya 「Lenneth, I have a request to make of you··· The time has come for us to attack Jotunheim itself. We need at least one warrior who can cause great damage. We need someone who can issue battle commands. Send us a courageous warrior who can lead. Cowards are useless to us. Only the bravest may fight for Odin. ―Freya 「I'm afraid I have bitter news to report. Jelanda has died in battle. Lawfer has died in battle. Belenus has died in battle. Llewelyn has died in battle. Kashell has died in battle. Janus has died in battle. Nanami has died in battle. Yumei has died in battle. Aelia has died in battle Jun has died in battle. Lyseria has died in battle. Badrach has died in battle. Grey has died in battle. Lorenta has died in battle. Shiho has died in battle. Jayle has died in battle. Suo has died in battle. Gandar has died in battle. Lucian has died in battle. ―Freya 「Very well, good fortune. I expect mighty deeds. ―Freya 「May Fate guide your hand. I pray for your good fortune. ―Freya 「Very well, good fortune. I know that you can do it. ―Freya 「May Fate guide your hand. I expect good news. Thor 「Lenneth, Leave the Ice Field enemies to us. You lead all the Einherjar and advance along the path we open up. We'll break into Jotunheim Palace and overthrow Surt, King of the Vanir.OVidar 「It is no exaggeration to say that the outcome of the battle depends on you.Tyr 「Reports say that Surt is guarded by Royal Guards stationed throughout the palace. Proceed cautiously.OEir 「Don't worry about your flank. You can leave it to us.Hermod 「We'll finish up here and follow you.OUll 「Fear not, Lenneth can do it.Hodur 「···We're counting on you.Oeya 「This is the final battle··· You must be victorious at all costs! Odin 「Hundreds of years ago, there was a sorceress who feared her own powers so greatly that she took her own life. Some say she inherited her powers of prophecy from Mimir, the ancestor of the Vanir. Her name was Lyseria. Even with her death, her soul was not allowed to die. It is sealed inside the crystal of a massive Magic Gem. The ruins where it was sealed are called 'Arkdain' by the Midgardians. Lenneth, you must go to the ruins and free the sorceress, Lyseria's soul.OFreya 「Very well, good fortune. I expect good news. O―Freya 「It has been a long time, Lenneth. I have bad news to report. One of the Einherjar that you sent us has betrayed the Lord Odin. His name is Lucian. He was executed by Loki, who happened to be present at the time. The Dragon Orb was stolen, and possibly sent to Midgard. We do not know exactly where it is. Lenneth, perhaps you have some ideas? Lenneth, I have a very important mission for you. You must go to Midgard and retrieve the stolen Dragon Orb. May Fate guide your hand. I expect good news. OOThanks to your efforts, we have defeated the Vanir.The Einherjar you trained fought bravely indeed.Well done, Lenneth.Now Odin shall rule evermore in the golden halls of Asgard.Your work in Midgard is finished.You must be weary. Return now to Valhalla and sleep the divine sleep.Your wings need rest, and your wounds need healing.Well done.And Lenneth···Good night.We will need your strength again. Until then···. ―You···You will never know my pain! Warrior Tactics Leadership Identify Archer Find Trap Survival Negotiator Trick Demon Int Hear Noise Nimble A hero who can swim. March Attack Pow Resist Damage Defend Brave Sorcerer Monster Int Hit Repair Accursed Flame Gem Undead Int High level Sorcerer Avoid Resist Magic Hero with high Hero Value March Brave Fight Counter Leadership Formation 1st Platoon 2nd Platoon 3rd Platoon 4th Platoon 5th Platoon 1st Platoon, 3rd Platoon 2nd Platoon, 4th Platoon, 5th Platoon 1st Platoon, 2nd Platoon, 3rd Platoon, 4th Platoon, 5th Platoon Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 Rank 6 Rank 7 Rank 8 Rank 9 Rank 10 Rank 11 Rank 12 Rank 13 Rank 14 Rank 15 Rank 16 Rank 17 Rank 18 Rank 19 Rank 20 Awarded the rank of 15th level god Awarded the rank of 16th level god Awarded the rank of 17th level god Awarded the rank of 18th level god Awarded the rank of 19th level god Awarded the rank of 20th level god Awarded the rank of 10th level god Awarded the rank of 11th level god Awarded the rank of 12th level god Awarded the rank of 13th level god Awarded the rank of 14th level god Awarded the rank of 15th level god Awarded the rank of 16th level god Awarded the rank of 17th level god Awarded the rank of 18th level god Awarded the rank of 19th level god Awarded the rank of 11th level god Awarded the rank of 12th level god Awarded the rank of 13th level god Awarded the rank of 14th level god Awarded the rank of 15th level god Awarded the rank of 16th level god Awarded the rank of 17th level god Awarded the rank of 18th level god Awarded the rank of 19th level god Awarded the rank of 20th level god Transfer supplies to friendly army Cassarel Wasteland Patrol Closing of Main Roads Return to Valhalla Special Training Inspection of Roro Cave Preparation of Main Roads Preparation of Lines of Defense Patrol around Fort Garudo Inspection of Cave Closing of Cave Preparation of Strategies Closing of Fortress Crossing Ignid Mountain Range Patrolling Sawbulk River Area Search for Artifacts Patrolling Levan Castle and Environs Merging with 3rd Platoon Transfer of Artifacts Experiments with Artifacts Transfer to Levan Castle Special Training Special Training Merging with Other Platoons Experimental Use of Artifacts Report of Experiment Results Patrol of Valhalla Palace and Environs Duty to Protect Supply Troops Inspection of Sonder Region Destruction of Experiment Equipment Policing Farrat Fortress Transfer of Supplies Crossing Gerrome Lake Experiments at Kesfas Castle Crossing Olm High Plains Inspection of Enemy Base Inspection of Spoils Transfer of Prisoners Return to Valhalla Policing of Ronberg Fortress Transfer to Darman Tower Merging with other Platoons Special Training Special Training Merging with other Platoons Execution of Magic Experiments Inspection of Yoskral Plains Return to Valhalla Repair of Sartori Fortress Protection of Important Individuals Inspection of Bosman Fortress area Inspection of Arvan River Valley Inspection of Enemy Movements Report of Results Special Training Transfer of Supplies to Friendly Platoons Merging with 1st Platoon Inspection of Argenia and Environs Execution of Magic Experiments Inspection of Enemy Base Special Training Special Training Merging with other Platoons Demon Subjugation Inspection of Tid Forest Securing Transfer Routes Policing of Goda Tower Patrolling of Kesfas Castle and Environs Fortress Construction Transfer to Cuoal Region Search for Artifacts Patrolling of Fort Ursur and Environs Crossing Torhan Pass Moving to Darman Tower Merging with other Platoons Special Training Special Training Merging with other Platoons Inspection of Rumrun Plains Subjugation of Demon Beasts Moving to Cape Avaro Severing Enemy Supply Route Transfer of Stolen Goods Inspection of Cave Transfer of Special Equipment Moving to Darman Tower Merging with other Platoons Special Training Special Training Merging with other Platoons Organization of Platoon Conversation with Aesir Conversation with Loki Cornered by enemy Conversation with Badrach Conversation with Aesir Investigation of base Investigation of base Exploits recognized Conversation with Frei Conversation with Kashell Interrogation of prisoner Discovers wounded soldier Given important mission Conversation with Tyr Cornered by enemy Exploits Recognized On patrol with Ull Conversation with Loki Conversation with Ull Conversation with Tyr Conversation with Aesir Carefully checking plans Cornered by enemy Activities Recognized Conversation with Eir Ordered on special mission Rescue animal Ordered on special mission Ordered on special mission Cornered by enemy Ordered on special mission Cornered by enemy Exploits recognized Conversation with Aesir Conversation with Eir Investigation of base In difficult situation At the victory feast Discover enemy unit Training with Vidar Exploits Recognized Conversation with Loki Cornered by enemy Conversation with Frei Cornered by enemy Contest with Ull Cornered by enemy Cornered by enemy Exploits recognized Ordered on special mission Ordered on special mission Conversation with Vidar Cornered by enemy Conversation with Frei Watch over dying comrade Cornered by enemy Exploits Recognized Pursuit of Enemy Conversation with Aesir Ordered on special mission Exploits Recognized Conversation with Tyr Patrol duty with Hermod Conversation with Frei Exploits Recognized On patrol with Ull Training with Vidar Determination Conversation with Tyr Conversation with Aesir Conversation with Thor At the victory feast Exploits recognized Surprise Attack Conversation with Tyr Pursuit of Enemy Ordered on special mission Thinking of sister Cornered by enemy Conversation with Eir Exploits Recognized In Deep Thought Conversation with Thor Cornered by enemy Exploits Recognized At the victory feast Interrogation of prisoner Investigation of base Ordered on special mission Ordered on special mission Pursuit of Enemy Ordered on special mission Exploits Recognized Cornered by enemy Ordered on special mission Conversation with Eir Taken prisoner Conversation with Aesir Watch over dying comrade Cornered by enemy Exploits recognized Devoted care-giver Conversation with Aesir Ordered on special mission Conversation with Aesir Ordered on special mission Cornered by enemy Conversation with Ull Exploits recognized Reunion with Suo Becomes ill At the victory feast Conversation with Eir Watch over dying comrade Exploits recognized Cornered by enemy Conversation with Aesir Conversation with Tyr Precise preparations Ordered on special mission Exploits recognized Watch over dying comrade Cornered by enemy Investigation of base Cornered by enemy Ordered on special mission Exploits recognized In Deep Thought Pursuit of Enemy Discover wounded soldier Ordered on special mission Watch over dying comrade Exploits recognized Major role in ferocious attack Destruction of enemy unit Destruction of enemy officer Strong role Passable role Make a small mistake Make a big mistake Major injury on arm or leg Massive wound, loss of consciousness Massive wound, death Plan brilliant strategy Plan good strategy Plan fair strategy Avoid surprise attack by enemy Sense enemy's presence Premonition Find and disable trap Find and disable trap in path Find a trap in treasure chest Discover mysterious spring Discover healing herb Procure food Identify item perfectly Identify item's effect Identify type of item Lead unit perfectly Lead unit well Lead unit fairly well Show extreme aggressiveness Show considerable aggressiveness Show fair aggressiveness Deceive opponent perfectly Deceive opponent Think of a good strategy Lead unit precisely Lead unit fairly well Lead unit Organize great formation Organize good formation Organize decent formation Strike a resounding blow Strike a cutting blow Strike an accurate blow Defend enemy attack perfectly Defend enemy attack well Defend enemy attack passably Avoid enemy attack perfectly Avoid enemy attack well Avoid enemy attack passably Attack with perfect accuracy Attack with accuracy Attack with fair accuracy Dramatically reduce damage Modestly reduce damage Slightly reduce damage Wield resounding magic Wield cutting magic Wield accurate magic Resist magic perfectly Resist magic strongly Resist magic slightly Spot monster's weakness Identify monster characteristics Identify monster type Spot Undead's weakness Identify Undead's characteristics Identify Undead type Spot demon's weakness Identify demon's characteristics Identify demon type Punish enemy with counterattack Highly reliable counterattack Evade enemy attack and counterattack Wiping Out of the Barbarians Tortos Mountain Range The Aesir led by Odin and the Vanir led by Surt. How many ages has it been since these two powers began fighting? One time the Aesir destroy a fortress, Another time, the Vanir are victorious at sea. Both armies have always pushed ahead and been pushed back over and over. The Einherjar were sent to Valhalla by Valkyrie right in the thick of it all. Freya reported to the Einherjar with a tense expression on her face. O―Freya 「First show me your abilities. Destroy all the enemies which lie in the Tortos Mountains to the west of Valhalla. And so, Einherjar and the rest were to have their first battle annihilating the barbarians living in the Tortos Mountain Range in western Valhalla. It was said that the barbarians of Tortos had caused damage to the Aesir Army by attacking transport squadrons passing through the mountains. Apparently, the damage hadn't been that significant, but as the war with the Vanir became more serious, they wanted to eliminate any unnecessary distractions. Individually, the barbarians were supposed to be weak, but grouped together, they had extraordinary power. They say that none of them uses magic, but they are smart enough to handle a bow. O―Freya 「I do not think you will lose··· I expect to hear good news. Successfully Wiped Out Barbarians Failure to Wipe Out the Barbarians Battle of the Wilderness Cassarel Wasteland On the way back to Valhalla, 1st Platoon was in the Cassarel Wastes when it spotted a single enemy on patrol. ―Aesir 「An enemy patrol···and just a few of them. We can't let them escape with information. We've got to crush them here. I want you to ambush them. Hurry and make preparations!! Destroyed Vanir Patrol Unit Allowed Vanir Patrol Unit to escape Stop Construction of the Fortress Delxrue The enemy is building a fort on Delxrue Hill, between Valhalla and Jotunheim. Thor 「A fortress at Delxrue!? Those Vanir rats, this pleases me not. We must not let them control that area.LO―Vidar 「Yes We must prevent this by all means Fortunately, the fort is not finished. Send out the 1st Platoon to stop that fort!! The 1st Platoon sets out for Delxrue Hill to prevent construction of the fort. Success in stopping construction Failure to stop construction Attack on Fort Garudo Fort Garudo It was now time to put the long-awaited plan to attack Fort Garudo, the important base of the Vanir Army in the southeast, into action. OCaptain 「This mission is crucial to the Aesir Army's success. We mustn't fail. Fort Garudo is one of the Vanir's most important bases. Take it out and it will hurt them bad. Let's hit 'em hard!!―Aesir 「HYAR! Battle at Sawbulk River Sawbulk River Area 1st Platoon was patrolling the region when they came upon an unfamiliar unit. They carried the emblems of the Aesir, but there was something funny··· Captain 「Hey you, follow them. And don't let them spot you.O―Aesir 「Yes, sir! Under order, the soldier followed the unit. Less than an hour later, he returned with news. ―Aesir 「Sir, it's a Vanir Unit in disguise. They are headed for the fort at Sawbulk. They're setting up camp up ahead. I think they're planning an ambush.Captain 「I see. Good work. The Vanir did not know they were discovered by the 1st Platoon. They were the ones who were surprise. Captain 「Let's go! For Asgard! For Odin! Surprise attack successful Vanir Army destroyed Surprise attack failed Vanir Army returns fire Subjugation of the Fire Dragon Muspelheim Muspelheim, the land of flame. Volcanic peaks stand like rows of spears, and inside lie caverns ancient and deep. It is said that the Fire Dragon, Fafnir, sleeps in the deepest part of the cave. O―Freya 「The cavern entrance leading to Jotunheim is sealed with ice. In order to break that seal, you must take the Accursed Flame Gem from the dragon, Fafnir. Defeat Fafnir and retrieve the Accursed Flame Gem. Both the 1st and 3rd Platoons entered the swirling Cave of Fire to retrieve the Accursed Flame Gem from the terrible clutches of the mighty Fire Dragon, Fafnir. Defeat Fafnir Retrieve the Accursed Flame Gem Fail to defeat Fafnir and retrieve Accursed Flame Gem. Another Platoon was dispatched that succeeded in retrieving it. Siege of Fort Farrat Fort Farrat Fort Farrat in the northwest of Valhalla. Duties finished, the 1st Platoon was stationed there enjoying a brief rest, when a scream pulled them back to reality. The Vanir were staging a surprise attack. They had already infiltrated the fort! Repelled the enemy's attack Failed to repel the enemy's attack Ragnarok Ragnarok, Twilight of the Gods Jotunheim Ice Field The vast ice field of Jotunheim. Here live the Vanir, ruled by Surt. Deep in the field of ice, lies the splendid Jotunheim Palace. But in order to reach it this Ice Palace, the guardians who defend it must first be defeated. O―Freya 「Destroy the guardians who defend Jotunheim. Then open the gates to Jotunheim Palace, the Vanir's final stronghold, and prepare the way for our assault Destroy the Vanir guardiansOpen the gates to Jotunheim Failure to open the gates to Jotunheim Pursuit of Spies Elvia Plains Enemy spies infiltrate Valhalla and run off with important information. O―Freya 「We have allowed enemy spies to infiltrate us. They have stolen secret information as well as several artifacts. Go to the Elvia Plains and follow them. Destroy the enemy unit to prevent them from handing over this information and retrieve the artifacts. The Vanir spies infiltrated a few hours ago. If you start pursuing them now, you'll catch up to them near Gorgon Falls. The stolen artifacts are absolutely vital to our future war strategy. They have also stolen valuable data files of the Aesir and their bases. You must retrieve them. O―Freya 「Have a speedy Einherjar take the shortcut through the mountains. It is a dangerous path, but it will save much time. Attack the enemy from two sides. Destroyed enemy spies Recovered stolen artifacts Enemy spies escape Fail to recover stolen artifacts Deep in the Mirage Bada Desert It's been discovered that the Vanir have established a base in the Bada Desert. They have been disguising it thus far with an artificially created mirage. The base cannot be allowed to remain. Thor has decided to deploy the 2nd Platoon. Succeed in destroying the base Fail to destroy the base Battle for the Magic Tools Morgran Caves Thor 「We have learned that the Magic Tools we have been searching for are in the Morgran Caves to the northeast of Valhalla. I want you, the 2nd Platoon, to head there and retrieve the Magic Tools by any means necessary. Be aware that the caves are teeming with monsters which have been sent by Hel, Queen of Nifleheim. Be very cautious around them. Obtain the Magic Tools Fail to obtain Magic Tools Prevent Magic Experiment Fort Diston A powerful wave of magic was detected emanating from the Vanir's Fort Diston. It seems that they are conducting large scale magic experiments there. We don't know what type of experiments they are, but we can be certain that they will not be good for the Aesir. ―Thor 「The Vanir at Fort Diston are conducting grotesque magic experiments. The strength of the magical energy detected is of a massive scale. The Vanir are planning something. I want the 2nd Platoon to attack Fort Diston And stop those magic experiments! I will brook no errors. Successfully stop experiments Fail to stop experiments In the Abyss Mooran Caves The Mooran Caves connect Garm Island with the Sederus continent. A vital transport route, many units have been lost here. Investigations suggested that a demon was lurking within the caves. Apparently the Queen of Nifleheim, Hel has sent the demon there. After much consideration, Thor and the others have decided to deploy the 2nd Platoon to subjugate the demon and make the cavern route passable again. Demon subjugated Failure to subjugate demon Queen of Darkness Nifleheim Nifleheim, ruled by Queen Hel. Feared by all as the place of the dead, it is inhabited by powerful undead Reports say the denizens of Nifleheim have joined forces with the Vanir. O―Freya 「It seems that the Vanir have joined forces with those of Nifleheim. If we do not do something, we will be in great danger. We must strike while the iron is hot! Go at once to Nifleheim and capture the Goddess Hel! ―Aesir 「Queen Hel of Nifleheim, will you come with us? Victory is ours. Any further struggle is in vain.Hel 「My heart pains me. To lose my land to the likes of you··· Damn the Fates!! Hel 「Did you really believe your power enough to take the Land of Nifleheim!! You underestimate my power!! Bind Hel, Queen of Nifleheim Fail to bind Hel, Queen of Nifleheim Recapture of Fort Sartori Fort Sartori Narrow rivers and tiny islands mark the Sartori region of Asgard. Here lies one of the Aesir's forts. It controls the north region and is held by Tyr, a god of great power and authority. It is vital to the Aesir. The fort has been attacked and occupied by the Vanir. The Lord Tyr is still alive, but he has been badly beaten and thrown into the dungeon. O―Freya 「Our base in the Sartori region has been occupied by enemy forces. Hurry and liberate the base. Also free Tyr, who has been taken prisoner. We have received reports that the enemy has laid many traps in the fortress. You must be careful to avoid these traps. ―Aesir 「Lord Tyr! Are you all right?Tyr 「···Unh······Well enough··· I owe you all my life. Successfully retook fortress Protected Tyr Failed to retake fortress Failed to protect Tyr Battle at Daybreak Josukuraru High Plain A new fortress is being built on the Joskral Plains and the 3rd Platoon has been deployed to stand guard during its construction. Just as it seemed that the fortress construction would be completed without incident, the fortress is attacked by the Vanir Army. ―Aesir 「Th, the enemy!! It's a surprise attack by the Vanir!!Captain 「Everyone relax! Stand your positions and prepare to repel the attack! Repel the surprise attack Succeed in defending fort Fail to defend fort In the Lair of the Dragon Worm Lambert Lake Lambert Lake, in the north region. Into this normally placid lake, the Vanir placed a giant Dragon Worm. Thrashing and writhing, the Dragon Worm burned down the surrounding forests. The area has been transformed from a place of beauty to one of great fear. Thor 「We believe it was the Vanir who put the Dragon Worm in Lake Lambert. If we let the beast be, we do not know how much more damage it will wreak. We have decided to form a platoon which can effectively battle dragons. I want you of the 3rd Platoon to join up. Go to Lambert Lake and kill that dragon! Destroyed Dragon Worm Failed to destroy Dragon Worm Battle for Hewmoor Hewmoor Plains The 3rd Platoon encountered the enemy on the Hewmoor Plains and engaged them. The Vanir Army had a ground advantage, but the 3rd Platoon was forced to fight. ―Aesir 「Damn, our bad fortune to meet them here. They've got the better ground. Hold ranks and fight them head on! Overcame disadvantage Gradually forced to retreat Get the Sylvan Bow Alfheim Asgard is divided into 5 main areas. Valhalla, where Odin and the others live, Jotunheim, the world of ice ruled by the Vanir, Niflheim, the land of the dead, Muspelheim, the land of flame, and Alfheim, where the Fairies live. The Sylvan Bow, one of the four Divine Treasures, is in Alfheim. Legend s say the bow was blessed by the King of the Fairies and it has the power to ward off demons. Even the giant Dragon Demon was said to have been slain with a single shot. It is the very symbol of the Fairies. O―Freya 「If we are to have any hope of winning this war, we must have the Sylvan Bow. Go with Loki to Alfheim and retrieve the Sylvan Bow right away. I do not think the Light Elves will hand it over without a fight. If they give it to you peacefully, good. But if not, do what you must··· Loki and the Einherjar head for Alfheim. Fairy 「I understand. You may take the Sylvan Bow and go. Obtained the Sylvan Bow Failed to obtain the Sylvan Bow At the Border of Flames Curadel Plains The 4th Platoon engaged the Vanir forces on the Curadel Plains. The Vanir, positioned upwind, decided to set the grass on fire. The 4th Platoon was cornered behind a wall of flame and forced into battle with the Vanir from a disadvantageous position. Elimination of enemy unit Fort Ursur A Vanir Special Forces Unit infiltrated Fort Ursur and sabotaged it. It has fallen to the Vanir Army. The 4th Platoon, patrolling near the area, receives a message from Valhalla. Thor 「Our base, Fort Ursur has fallen to the Vanir Special Forces. They destroyed the fort and annihilated our troops stationed there. There were also many artifacts stored at the fort. They must not fall into their hands. The 4th Platoon is the closest unit. Get to Fort Ursur and destroy the enemy before they can flee with the artifacts. You must save those artifacts!! Successfully guard artifacts Fail to guard artifacts Battle of the Junibe Sea Junibe Sea The Junibe Sea extends to the west of Valhalla. The largest ocean in Asgard, it is the only way to get from Asgard to Jotunheim. The Vanir special forces are currently gathered there. O―Freya 「We have received reports that the Vanir's Flying Troops are gathering near the Junibe Sea. I'm certain they're planning to make a sneak attack on Valhalla when they see a chance. Hurry and take a ship to the Junibe Sea. We must attack them first and wipe out their forces. Surprise attack on Kidtha Hill Kidtha Hill The 5th Platoon has captured and bound a Vanir officer. While transporting him from the fort to Valhalla, they were met on Kidtha Hill by the Vanir Army who had come to reclaim their Commander. Captain 「They've come to take back our prisoner. They won't find it so easy! Keep the prisoner at all costs!O―Aesir 「Yes, sir!! Prisoner transported Prisoner stolen Eliminate the Barbarians Battle of the Wilderness Stop Fortress Construction Attack on Fort Garudo Battle at Sawbulk River Subjugation of the Fire Dragon Siege of the Farrat Fortress Ragnarok Pursuit of the Spies Deep in the Mirage Battle for Magic Tools Blocking the Magic Experiments In the Abyss Queen of Darkness Recapture of Fort Sartori Battle at Dawn In the Lair of Dragon Worm Battle for Hewmoor Sylvan Bow At the Border of Flames Elimination enemy Unit Battle of the Junibe Sea Surprise Attack on Kidtha Hill Element Scepter Combo Counter Wait Reaction Fire Lance Frigid Damsel Normalize Lightning Edge Go-Shorai Blade Elemental Edge Spinning Spear Supreme Crossbow Holy Prayer Element Scepter Splash Throw Lightning Bolt Shadow Servant Heal Extreme Guard Emerald Necklace Element Scepter Darkness Arrow Auto Item Icicle Edge Fire Storm Reflect Sorcery Holy Grail Faim Fenn Radiance Sword Ten-Horin Blade Ignite Sword Heart Piercer Crescent Arrow Accepter Rod Ether Scepter Bracelet of Zoe Coin of Fortune Concentration Resist Damage Mystic Cross Invoke Feather Spell Reinforce Ether Scepter Star Guard Holy wand "Adventia" Guard Reinforce Poison Blow Stone Torch Scarlet Forge Demon Blade Violet Forge Holy Halberd Shiny Rupture Absolute Force Ether Scepter Wand of Exchange Tome of Alchemy Dark Savior Prismatic Missile Dampen Magic Ether Scepter Sacred Javelin Shield Critical Might Reinforce Ice Coffin Ama-no-Murakumo Blade Bahamut Tear Arc Wind Last Avenger Noble Desire Gram Aesir 「For a mere human, you sure are arrogant. While guarding the fort Jelanda is addressed by an Aesir soldier. Though he probably did not intend it, he unintenionally wounds Jelanda with his remark. ―Jelanda 「How dare you! I was princess of Artolia! I may not be an Aesir, but I'm an 18th level goddess!! I have a right to be arrogant! Arrogant attitude towards Aesir. Loki 「Jelanda, you were a princess, right?―Jelanda 「That is so.Loki 「Yes··· Then you were trapped and killed by an enemy spy, right?―Jelanda 「···that traitor, Lombert! But Valkyrie and Arngrim took vengeance upon him for me. I no longer care. May his soul be in eternal torment.Loki 「Arngrim, eh?―Jelanda 「Yes, do you know him?Loki 「No, but it is a name I heard long, long ago. Well, it must be a different person.―Jelanda 「Hmmm··· Chat with Loki. ―Jelanda 「···It's no good. I can't move.GVanir 「You're prepared to die. Good. You did well to make it this far. Though an enemy, you have my respect. I'll make it painless for you. During the battle, Jelanda is cornered. She fought heroically to this point, but she can no longer hide her exhaustion. She has a broken leg and is no longer able to flee. ―Jelanda (Father···, Arngrim··· I'm ready to join you!!! Vanir 「Uuurgh!! gYaaaaa!!! Guuuunfff―Jelanda 「Huh?!sHodur 「Are you all right?―Jelanda 「Hodur!!Hodur 「It seems I was in time. Are you in much pain?―Jelanda 「It's nothing···Hodur 「You're a poor liar. Hodur picks her up in his arms. ―Jelanda 「You, you lout!!Hodur 「You cannot walk on that leg. Or would you crawl to the fort?―Jelanda 「Grrr···Hodur 「If you don't like that, grab on tight.―Jelanda 「Oh well···. Rescued by Hodur, narrowly escaping death. ―Jelanda 「···.Badrach 「Hey if it ain't the princess! How are ya?―Jelanda 「Eh? Jelanda stands in the guard tower, lost in thought, when Badrach approaches her from behind. ―Jelanda 「So··· I wonder if Arngrim is doing well?Badrach 「Ha! You know Arngrim. He's probably happily killin' some bad guys or savin' some old folks or somethin'!―Jelanda 「Sniff···Yes, I can imagine···Badrach 「C'mon, you'll see him soon I'm sure. 'Til then, we gotta keep ourselves alive.―Jelanda 「Yes, you are right. Chat with Badrach. O―Jelanda 「Eh···? How do you use this thing anyway?Aesir 「Huh? You don't even know that?―Jelanda 「What did you say! You dare to make fun of me!? Didn't you know I was just joking? Ho ho ho···Aesir 「How stupid of me. Why even a complete fool would know how to use this.―Jelanda 「Ha ha ha··· You Aesir have no sense of humor.Aesir 「Ha ha ha, I apologize. You were making such a serious face I actually believed you.―Jelanda 「Tee hee hee··· (I have no idea what this is. What is this anyway?) Not understanding a item's use. Naive and yet arrogant. ―Jelanda 「Here goes! Everyone, follow me!!Aesir 「H, hey! Jelanda! Don't go so far ahead! You don't know what might happen!―Jelanda 「Attack!!Aesir 「Foolhardy girl! Wait!! Foolhardy and careless advance. ―Jelanda 「Huh? What is this?Aesir 「F, fool! Be careful what you touch··· While surveying inside enemy territory, Jelanda touches the Dragon Image that is carved in the wall. With a loud crack the Dragon Image activates a fearsome spinning trap that attacks Jelanda!! Aesir 「Look out!!―Jelanda 「Eeeeek!!!! Jelanda is saved just in the nick of time by the Aesir soldier. A sharp blade hangs before her eyes. ―Jelanda 「Wh, what's this?! I didn't expect that to happen.Aesir 「Of course not! That's just like you! You're a silly, shallow little girl. Watch yourself. You never know what may blow up in your face.―Jelanda 「Hmph···You don't have to get so mad. Careless actions set off a trap. Thor 「Jelanda, your exploits of late astonish me. You have been working hard.―Jelanda 「You really mean it?Thor 「Yes, I mean it. I shall continue to expect much of you.―Jelanda 「Leave it to me! As long as I am here, the Vanir will never win!! You can just relax now. Rewarded for recent exploits. Frei 「Oh, Jelanda. Is Lenneth doing well in Midgard?―Jelanda 「I don't know if she's well or not, but she is working diligently.Frei 「Hmph. I wish she'd hurry up and come back.―Jelanda 「So you like Valkyrie, huh.Frei 「Sure, She's really nice. Not like my sister, Freya. She can be so mean sometimes.―Jelanda 「Oh I see. Chat with Frei. Kashell 「Yo, Lawfer. What's up?EO―Lawfer 「Oh, Kashell. I just thought I'd check out the equipment once more before we leave.Kashell 「Man oh man··· You're way too serious sometimes.―Lawfer 「That's not true.Kashell 「Yes, it is true. But anyway, I'm very glad to have you fighting on my side. Valhalla is a warrior's dream.―Lawfer 「Ah, that it is.Kashell 「Let's show 'em what we're made of.―Lawfer 「Yeah. Chat with Kashell ―Lawfer 「What's that?!Aesir 「Har!―Vanir 「Unf! Warriors captured by the enemy are subject to many kinds of interrogation. Wars fought in Asgard are no different. Even here, a Vanir prisoner is tortured by Aesir soldiers. Lawfer can't stand it and tries to stop them. ―Lawfer 「Stop that right now!Aesir 「Lawfer.―Lawfer 「You cannot treat a helpless person so. Is that truly how gods should behave?Aesir 「You're so naive, Lawfer. To defeat the Vanir, we do what we must.―Lawfer 「···.Aesir 「This is war. Do you understand!?―Lawfer 「Yes, I understand that. However, I will not sit idly by and witness such cruelty.Aesir 「Fine, then do as you like. Encounters interrogation of prisoner. Raises objections to the method used and stops it but fails to gather information. ―Lawfer 「We've got it under control now··· ···Huh? Lawfer's unit attacked the Vanir base and successfully brought it under control. While investigating a nearby forest, he notices a person hiding in the shadow of a tree. ―Lawfer 「Is somebody there?GVanir 「Uh, uhh······―Lawfer 「A Vanir··· Badly wounded···Vanir 「G, go ahead···kill me···―Lawfer 「···. ···Run.Vanir 「Huh?!―Lawfer 「I cannot draw my sword on a defenseless person. Hurry! Run before someone else comes!Vanir 「You are···merciful. I think···that will be your death, someday.―Lawfer 「Perhaps. If Fate desires. Now hurry and run! Discovers wounded enemy. Allows enemy to flee. OVidar 「Lawfer, I have an important mission for you.EO―Lawfer 「I'll carry out my duty faithfully, sir. Lawfer is entrusted with an important task that could turn the tide in the war. His achievements have been recognized and this has brought advancement, but it has made him all the more uncomfortable. ―Lawfer 「Being entrusted with this major task is a great honor, but I wonder if I am qualified··· Given an important mission, but worried whether he can fulfill it. OTyr 「Lawfer, as a human, you are a good person, but I wonder about you as a warrior.―Lawfer 「Tyr? While resting in the fort, Tyr suddenly approaches and speaks. Tyr 「I have no complaints about your fighting abilities. What worries me is your fortitude. You demand high moral principles in battle and seek justice by your actions. But a battle is no place for dreamers. Be careful. A moment's distraction invites death. Don't die a meaningless death. That's all I have to say.―Lawfer 「Tyr··· Chat with Tyr. Aesir 「We've lost so many soldiers.―Lawfer 「At this rate, we're doomed··· After being caught by a surprise attack, Lawfer's unit holds their ground while allowing allies to escape. But no matter how many they cut down, there is no end. Seeing his friends cut down one by one, Lawfer thinks to himself, and then makes up his mind. ―Lawfer 「···. I'll draw them away. The rest of you run!Aesir 「What?!―Lawfer 「I won't let you all die. I'll take care of this. Now hurry!Aesir 「Don't be a fool!―Lawfer 「The rest is up to you. HIIYAAAH!!!Aesir 「Law, Lawfer!! Sacrificing yourself for friends Dying an honorable death. Thor 「Lawfer, your exploits of late astonish me. I expect much of you.―Lawfer 「Yes, I thank you, Lord Thor. I will not disappoint you.Thor 「You are very confident, but that may also be your weakness.―Lawfer 「I'm sorry, sir.Thor 「Yes, well. Do not overestimate your abilites.―Lawfer 「I see··· Recent exploits rewarded. Ull 「Lawfer, cover me!―Lawfer 「Yes, sir!! Lawfer and Ull ride into battle. The Vanir fall like ripe wheat before their combined assault. Ull 「KYAAAH!!!GO―Vanir 「Urgh!! 「Unff!! Yaah!!―Lawfer 「We're nearly finished.Ull 「It appears so. I could not have done it without you.―Lawfer 「That's not true, sir.Ull 「Ha ha, it appears the enemy is all gone. Let's take one more look and then return.―Lawfer 「Yeah, okay. Fighting alongside Ull. Belenus, sits in the field alone, and contemplates the last campaign. Loki goes over to speak to him. Loki 「Ah, Belenus.―Belenus 「Oh···it's you, Loki?Loki 「What is it that bothers you?―Belenus 「···.Loki 「Are you still thinking about the surprise attack?―Belenus 「···Yes. It seems like such a cowardly act. Is that truly how gods conduct war?Loki 「You should not let it trouble you. It's either kill or be killed. Those are the grim facts of war.―Belenus 「I'm trying to understand that. But somehow···.Loki 「What a romantic you are. The world is divided into those who win and those who lose. I choose not to lose.―Belenus 「···Loki? Conversation with Loki. Ull 「You're a stubborn fellow, Belenus.―Belenus 「Really? I never saw myself that way.Ull 「Oh, you're stubborn all right. Like the other day. When Ull said that at the war council the other day to make his point, Belenus couldn't say a single word. ―Belenus 「Hmm.Ull 「You would do well to be more flexible in how you see things.―Belenus 「···. Conversation with Ull. Tyr 「Belenus, You are a good and proud man, but are you a fit enough warrior?―Belenus 「Hmph. During a break, Tyr suddenly speaks to Belenus. Tyr 「I have no complaints about your fighting abilities. What worries me is your fortitude. You demand high moral principles in battle and seek justice by your actions. But a battle is no place for dreamers. Be careful. A moment's distraction invites death. Don't die a meaningless death. That's all I have to say.―Belenus 「Tyr··· Conversation with Tyr. Aesir 「Belenus, you wear a cloak of elegance. You are different than other Einherjar.―Belenus 「Think you so? I myself know not of such things···Aesir 「I thought you would answer as such. Coversation with Aesir. O Belenus is entrusted with a special task. While it is a very simple task, Belenus investigates it thoroughly and confirms the plan. ―Belenus 「I have to make doubly sure. One cannot be too careful. Do something prudently. Aesir 「We're totally surrounded.―Belenus 「···. In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Belenus fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Belenus 「···. I will draw them away while you make your escape.Aesir 「What?!―Belenus 「Sometimes the few must be sacrificed for the many. Such is the way of war. Hurry and go!Aesir 「What kind of foolish···!―Belenus 「It's in your hands now! YAAAAAH!!!!Aesir 「Be, Belenus!! Sacrificing yourself for friends Dying an honorable death. Thor 「Belenus, your exploits of late astonish me.―Belenus 「Ah, thank you, my Lord. I shall try to live up to your hopes.Thor 「Good. I expect much of you indeed. Recent exploits praised. Wounded in the line of duty inside the base, Belenus receives treatment from Eir. Eir 「There you go, all done.―Belenus 「Many thanks.Eir 「Think nothing of it. Healing is my job, after all. And your wound was not much.―Belenus 「···.Eir 「Who is···'Asaka'?―Belenus 「What?Eir 「Don't be so surprised. You cried her name out in your sleep. Over and over again.―Belenus 「She was···someone dear to me.Eir 「I see···. She was your love.―Belenus 「Yes···. Conversation with Eir. ―Llewelyn 「So this is it··· Llewelyn is given a mission that many have attempted, but all failed. Although he has faced many perilous situations, he has always won, but now he faces his greatest challenge. ―Llewelyn 「I guess this is the end···―Llewelyn 「It's no good. I just can't do it. Frightened, abandons task midway. ―Llewelyn 「What's this···? While patrolling near the base, Llewelyn finds an injured rabbit. Going up to it, he uses his own items to treat its wounds. ―Llewelyn 「Caught by a wolf, were you? Don't worry, it's not too bad. With this you'll be better soon. Be more careful next time, okay? Heals injured animal. Llewelyn and several Aesir soldiers are organizing squads of soldiers to patrol the Rubornock Sea area. In recognition of his recent activities, Llewelyn is chosen to lead the unit. However, his face, rather than showing happiness at being chosen, turns pale. ―Llewelyn 「Umm···the ocean is, uh···Aesir 「Huh? What's wrong?―Llewelyn 「···not too comfortable about···Aesir 「Huh? What did you say?―Llewelyn 「I can't···hmphmm···Aesir 「I can't hear you. Speak up!!!―Llewelyn 「I said I can't swim.Aesir 「What??! Ruined big chance because you can't swim. Aesir 「Llewelyn, I have a mission for you.―Llewelyn 「Yes···I understand. Llewelyn is entrusted with an important task that could turn the tide in the war. His achievements have been recognized and this has brought advancement, but it has made him all the more uncomfortable. ―Llewelyn 「It is truly my honor to be chosen by you. But I fear I'm not the best choice. Worry over a major task. Vanir 「Prepare to die.lO―Llewelyn 「Yaaaah!! In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Llewelyn fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Llewelyn 「Yaaaaaaar!!!Vanir 「Wh, why you! W, wait!―Llewelyn 「S, save me!!Tyr 「Llewelyn!!―Llewelyn 「···You saved me.Tyr 「Running from your enemy is cowardly. You are no Einherjar, boy. You should be cleaning up!―Llewelyn 「···. Fled from enemy in a cowardly manner. Saved from bad luck by Tyr. ―Llewelyn 「Whew, this one here··· This box goes on the shelf··· Llewelyn is asked to clean the storehouse. He sets out to do his best. ―Llewelyn 「···Okay. I'm done! Whew, am I tired. Works seriously on trivial matters. Vanir 「Prepare to die.lO―Llewelyn 「Yaaaah! In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Llewelyn fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Llewelyn 「Waaaaaaah!Vanir 「Wh, why you!! W, wait! You're not goin' anywhere! Take this!―Llewelyn 「Waaaaaah!!! ···Mil, Millia··· Ran away from enemy. But failed and was killed. Vidar 「Llewelyn, you have been doing well lately.―Llewelyn 「No, sir, not at all.Vidar 「Keep up the good work. Your efforts here will have a big effect on the war here in Asgard.―Llewelyn 「Yes, I understand. I'll do my best. Recent exploits rewarded. Aesir 「Idiot! How useless you humans are.HO―Kashell 「What did you say?! Kashell was reprimanded for his actions during the previous battle. While he was certainly a bit rash, his mistakes were not severe enough to be worth mentioning. He is seeing red over his superior's unwarranted criticisms··· ―Kashell 「Say that again, fool!!Aesir 「Grr!! Kashell, I'm your superior!―Kashell (Damn! ···I'm nailed.) Got emotional and abused superior. O Wounded in the line of duty, Kashell is administered to by Eir, at the base. Fortunately, the wound was not grievous, and Eir is optimistic about recovery. ―Kashell 「Yeow···!That hurts! Can't you be more gentle, Eir!?Eir 「But I'm being very gentle···―Kashell 「Really?Eir 「···. Kashell, you should learn how to fight a little bit more cleverly.―Kashell 「Huh?Eir 「You are too direct. Perhaps I should say focused. Keep it up and···you'll get killed.―Kashell 「Oh well··· It's war. If your luck's bad, you die.Eir 「I don't believe that.―Kashell 「Well, it's true.Eir 「In any case, you should place more value on your life. After all, you were given a new chance at life by the Valkyrie, Lenneth.―Kashell 「Yeah··· Conversation with Eir. ―Kashell 「A dead end, eh?Aesir 「But there were no other passages··· Kashell's unit searches inside the fort. They come to a small room in the back. There should be a passageway beyond which leads to a treasure-filled storeroom, but instead there is a wall and they cannot proceed forward. Aesir 「Our information must have been wrong.―Kashell 「Let's take a look around this room.―Kashell 「Hmmm···nothing here, huh.Aesir 「Huh? This block looks a little different··· It moves! There's something here··· It's a switch!HO―Kashell (Damn···I checked that spot, but···)―Aesir 「Hey, nice job. Now we'll find that storeroom for sure.Aesir 「Kashell, you messed up. That was your area to search. Be more thorough next time! Thought you searched thoroughly, but overlooked the switch. ―Kashell 「Urgh, I'm in trouble··· Kashell is in extreme danger. While scouting along a mountain path at night, he falls off a cliff. He hangs painfully onto a tree branch, holding on for dear life. He isn't sure how much longer he can hold on. ―Kashell 「Oh no, what do I do now? ···. Maybe if I··· Climbs strenuously up side. Escape from a bad situation. Thor 「Victory was ours today, because of the blood and sweat you all shed. Savor now the sweet flavor of victory. Relax, and let your weary bodies rest. Soldiers in Kashell's unit won a stunning victory. They celebrate with a feast at the fort. All enjoy themselves, but Kashell cannot hold his drink and··· ―Kashell 「Grog? Blech.Aesir 「What is it, Kashell? You don't like grog? I didn't know that···―Kashell 「Whadda you mean? I···gulp···love grog!Aesir 「Har! Good! So how 'bout a drinkin' contest?―Kashell 「Sure, fine by me!―Kashell 「ZZZZZ···Aesir 「Huh? Finished already? You only had two mugs··· Drunk too quickly. Ruins the feast. While on patrol duty, Kashell and Hermod spot a Vanir unit. They must quickly inform base camp. ―Kashell 「Hermod, you go on ahead. I'll keep watch here.Hermod 「Kashell?―Kashell 「We've got to let the fort know that the Vanir forces have come this far. But someone needs to stay here and keep watch. You're faster than me, so you should go. There's no time to argue.Hermod 「···I understand. Good luck here, Kashell. Don't do anything rash.―Kashell 「Yeah, I know. Watch enemy until help arrives. O―Kashell 「Here I go!LVidar 「Bring it on, Kashell! Kashell and Vidar spar together in the castle. After some back and forth, a dull thud is heard as Kashell's sword flies into the air. Suddenly Vidar's sword is at his throat. ―Kashell 「Yah!Vidar 「He he, you were close.―Kashell 「Damn, I still can't win.Vidar 「Yes, but you pushed me much harder than most of the Aesir here.―Kashell 「Grrr··· Well, I'll take you next time.Vidar 「I look forward to you trying. I like your spirit.―Kashell 「You're not even tired. Man, you're as tough as Arngrim. Well, I'll beat you someday. Training with Vidar. Battle skills improve. Thor 「Kashell, your exploits of late astonish me. You are working hard. I expect much from you.―Kashell 「You can count on me, lord. Recent exploits praised by Thor. ―Janus 「Father···. In Valhalla, as Janus is thinking of his deceased father. Loki approaches. Loki 「What are you doing here, Janus?―Janus 「Oh, nothing···Loki 「Yes, I see. Janus, you were once a member of the knighthood, yes?―Janus 「Yes···Loki 「You sacrificed yourself to protect them, yes? But how did they thank you?―Janus 「I do not wish to talk about it.Loki 「Really? But I wanted to ask you more about it.―Janus 「I'm sorry, but no.Loki 「Oh, what a shame. Conversation with Loki. ―Janus 「So this is it, eh···GVanir 「You're prepared to die. Good. You did well to make it this far. Though an enemy, you have my respect. I'll make it painless for you. During the battle, Janus is cornered. He fought heroically to this point, but he can no longer hide his exhaustion. His arm hangs numb and strengthless. ―Janus 「···Do as you will. I'm ready to die now!! Vanir 「Uuurgh!!! gYaaaaa!!! Guuuunfff!!!―Janus 「Huh?!sHodur 「It appears I was just in time. Do not treat your life so carelessly. Can you stand?―Janus 「I think so···Hodur 「Okay, let's go. Rescued by Hodur, narrowly escaping death. Frei 「Have you gotten used to Asgard yet?―Janus 「···yeah.Frei 「You're not good with words, are you?―Janus 「I guess···Frei 「It's true. It's hard to tell if you're relaxed or just bored.―Janus 「···. Conversation with Frei. ―Janus 「Grr···Vanir 「Prepare to die.―Janus 「Damn! Yeeeah!!! In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Janus fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Janus 「H, ha! Saved somehow··· Overcoming adversity. Ull 「Janus How about a contest with me and my bow?aO―Janus 「···If you wish.Ull 「Good, let's go!Ull 「Hmph. Looks like···a tie.aO―Janus 「It appears so.Ull 「Janus, if you continue to improve, I may not be so lucky next time. Contest against the Bow of Ull. ―Janus 「Grrr···Vanir 「Prepare to die.―Janus 「Damn! Nooo!!! In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Janus fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· Janus 「Unnfhyaaaaa!!! Courageous but vain struggle. Death in battle. Aesir 「We're completely surrounded.―Janus 「This is the end··· In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Janus fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Janus 「···. All of you, get away now!Aesir 「Huh?!―Janus 「I'll draw them away. There's still time to escape.Aesir 「What are you saying?―Janus 「The rest is up to you.Aesir 「Ja, Janus!! Sacrificing yourself for friends. Dying an honorable death. Thor 「Janus, your exploits of late astonish me. I shall continue to expect much of you.―Janus 「I blush with such praise, lord. Thor 「Hmm. Yes well, farewell. Recent exploits praised by Thor. ―Nanami 「Whew··· Now that looks cleaner. During a quiet moment between battles, Nanami is asked to clean inside the fort. Ull 「Nice going.―Nanami 「Oh, Lord Ull.Ull 「Just call me Ull, okay? The place looks wonderful.―Nanami 「I've always enjoyed cleaning.Ull 「Really? You're an interesting girl. I really admire your spirit. Well, do continue.―Nanami 「Yes, sir. Conversation with Ull. ―Nanami 「This is it··· Nanami is given a mission that many have attempted, but all failed. Although she has faced many perilous situations, she has always won, but now she faces her greatest challenge. ―Nanami 「I guess this is it··· This is the end···―Nanami 「I'm frightened! I cannot do it! Frightened, abandons task midway. OVidar 「Nanami.oO―Nanami 「Yes? What is it, Lord Vidar?Vidar 「You need to discipline your body more. You have found yourself exhausted after battles up to this point, no?―Nanami 「···.Vidar 「I worry because I see it's hard on you. Please understand.―Nanami 「Yes, lord··· Conversation with Vidar. Vanir 「Prepare to die. ―Nanami 「Grrr··· In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Nanami fought bravely, but despite her efforts, she is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Nanami 「N, no!!Vanir 「Wh, why you! W, wait! Fled from enemy in a cowardly manner. Somehow survived. Frei 「You're like a little doll, Nanami.―Nanami 「Is that so?Frei 「Yes. Those clothes are so precious.―Nanami 「Thank you. But your outfit is cute too, Frei.Frei 「Really?!―Nanami 「Yes, absolutely.Frei 「Hee hee. Conversation with Frei. Many people die in large-scale wars. In the war that Nanami fought in, a great many lost their lives. One was a soldier under Nanami's command. ―Nanami 「Please hold on!Aesir 「Na, Nanami··· I···I can't···make it···―Nanami 「Don't say that! You mustn't give up hope!Aesir 「Please···win···for me··· ···. ···. ···.―Nanami 「···no···why··· If I only had more strength, this wouldn't have happened!! Powerlessly watching the soldier die. Aesir 「We're completely surrounded.―Nanami 「We're finished··· In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Nanami fought bravely, but despite her efforts, she is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Nanami 「···. I'll draw them away. That will be your chance to escape!Aesir 「What?!―Nanami 「You must not all die. Leave it to me···Aesir 「Don't be a fool!―Nanami 「Take care of yourself!Aesir 「Na, Nanami!! Sacrificing yourself for friends. Dying an honorable death. Thor 「Nanami, your exploits of late astonish me. I expect much from you in the future.oO―Nanami 「I do not deserve such praise, lord. But I shall do my best.Thor 「Hmm, yes. Good. Recent exploits praised. Aesir 「Don't let him escape! Catch him, Yumei! During patrol near the base, Yumei's unit sees a Vanir scouting party. They defeat most of the enemy, but one escapes through the lines and runs for it. If he gets away it will spell trouble, so Yumei, who is nimble, chases after him. ―Yumei 「Wait!Vanir 「Huff, huff.vO―Yumei 「You!!Vanir 「Umph!―Yumei 「Whew, Got ya. Why you··· Don't be such a pest! Fleet-footed, you capture the prisoner Aesir 「Stupid idiot! That is why··· humans and women are both useless!vO―Yumei 「What!! Yumei was reprimanded for her actions during the previous battle. While she had certainly been a bit rash, her mistakes were not severe enough to be worth mentioning. She is seeing red over her superior's unwarranted criticisms. ―Yumei 「How dare you! You've no right to talk to me like that!Aesir 「Hey, hey Yumei! Where are you going!―Yumei 「Hmph!Aesir 「Hey, come back here! Yumei!! Got emotional and abused superior. Aesir 「Yumei, I have a special mission for you. I want you to deliver a package to Fort Ursur in a hurry. The only way to get to Fort Ursur quickly enough is to go through Luroa Forest. We need someone like you with a good sense of direction because its easy to get lost there. I know you can do it. Good fortune upon you! Yumei was given a special mission because of her sense of direction. Yumei pored over a map and then stepped into Luroa Forest. ―Yumei 「Hmm, it's this way, isn't it?Yumei 「Umm, was I supposed to go east here?Yumei 「Hmmm, Since I can see the mountains over there, here, I would head north.―Yumei 「Phew, there's the exit! Passes through forest, accomplishes mission Vidar 「Yumei, Thanks to you, the recent underwater investigation went very well. Well done.―Yumei 「Thank you, sir.Vidar 「Keep up the good work.―Yumei 「Yes sir, I will! Recent exploits rewarded ―Yumei 「···Whew···I'm so tired.Tyr 「Nice work.―Yumei 「A little girl like me shouldn't be forced to do such hard work.Tyr 「My apologies. But Yumei, just because you're a woman doesn't mean you don't need to work. You're too fragile.―Yumei 「So I'm supposed to work and build a bunch of ugly muscles?Tyr 「That is not necessary. Simply build up a bit more strength. It will serve you well in battle.―Yumei 「Okay, I hear you··· Conversation with Tyr While on patrol duty, Yumei and Hermod spot a Vanir unit. They must quickly inform base camp. Hermod 「Yumei, you go on ahead. I'll keep watch here―Yumei 「Huh?Hermod 「We've got to let the fort know that the Vanir forces have come this far. I could go, but you're in no condition to be left here alone, right?―Yumei 「···Yeah, I guess so. I'll be back as soon as I can!Hermod 「Yes, I'm counting on you. Urgent request for reinforcements Frei 「You're such a flirt, Yumei.vO―Yumei 「Really? But Frei, you're just the same, aren't you.Frei 「Maybe so. But you're way worse.―Yumei 「Excuse me, but I think you are way worse than I am.Frei 「What do you mean?―Yumei 「What do YOU mean?OYumei and Frei 「How rude!! Conversation with Frei Thor 「Yumei, your exploits of late astonish me. You are working hard.vO―Yumei 「Thank you, sir.Thor 「I expect good things from you.―Yumei 「Yes, sir. Leave it to me! Recent exploits rewarded Ull 「Aelia, I'll cover you!O―Aelia 「Thank you!! Aelia and Ull join the battle and cut a wide swath through the Vanir in the vicinity. ―Aelia 「Looks like we're nearly finished.Ull 「It appears so. But being with you is tiring work.―Aelia 「Huh?Ull 「You try to solve everything through your strength alone. You never rely upon a plan.―Aelia 「Ha ha, it looks like there are no enemies left. Let's take another look and then return.Ull 「Yes, let us do that. Patrol duty with Ull. O―Aelia 「Here goes!LVidar 「Whenever you're ready, Aelia! Aelia and Vidar spar together in the castle. After some back and forth, a dull thud is heard as Aelia's spear flies into the air. Suddenly Vidar's sword is at her throat. ―Aelia 「Mmph···LVidar 「You almost had me.―Aelia 「Close maybe, but a loss is a loss. But I won't lose next time. Training with Vidar. Battle techniques improved. O―Aelia 「Damn! It's no joke!! A high Aesir official behaves arrogantly simply because he has a high God level. He just said something nasty to Aelia. ―Aelia 「That puffed up little weakling···!! He'd better watch himself. I will gain fame through battle exploits! Then I will show him! Resolve is renewed. Tyr 「Aelia, aren't you being a bit foolhardy?―Aelia 「You think so?Tyr 「You are a strong woman, and skilled. But you tend to be rash in battle. In battle, it is best to keep a cool head. You're not some young mercenary, you know.―Aelia 「I know. I'll be more careful from now on. Conversation with Tyr. Aesir 「Here I come.O―Aelia 「Anytime you want. I'm not worried.Aesir 「Waaah!!! Aelia gets involved in a contest of strength with an Aesir soldier. She meets the Aesir's attack and pushes him back. ―Aelia 「UNNNFAAH!!!Aesir 「Wh, what?! Waaayaaaaa!! The Aesir is flung through the air. ―Aelia 「Ha. Not as tough as you think, huh?Aesir 「Damn···curse you.―Aelia 「Try me again someday. I'm ready anytime. Ha ha. Defeats Aesir easily. Thor 「Aelia, you must do something about your stubborness.O―Aelia 「Am I stubborn, lord? I do not believe so.Thor 「Ha. Just listen to you. You are stubborness personified. Why, just earlier··· Thor brings up the argument that occurred at the war council the other day. Hearing this, Aelia tries to pretend as if the talk doesn't bother her. ―Aelia 「What do you mean? I don't remember that.Thor 「Sigh··· Conversation with Thor. Thor 「Victory was ours today, because of the blood and sweat you all shed. Savor now the sweet flavor of victory. Relax, and let your weary bodies rest. Soldiers in Aelia's unit won a stunning victory. They celebrate with a feast at the fort. All enjoy themselves. Aelia is loud with drink. ―Aelia 「···Mmmm ha ha! This grog is delicious!Aesir 「It is good to see you enjoying yourself Have another? The mead flows and the feast gets more animated. Thor 「Aelia, your exploits of late astonish me. You have been working hard. I expect good things of you.O―Aelia 「Yes, you should. Recent exploits praised by Thor. ―Aesir 「It's···an enemy attack!!Aesir 「Wh, what!! Yaa yaaaah!!! While in camp, Jun and the others are attacked by the enemy. The unprepared Aesir are cut down one by one as panic descends on them. Jun alone reacts with a cool, calm head. ―Jun 「Don't panic! That's just what the enemy wants! Grab your weapons! There aren't that many of them! We can do it if we calm down! Reacting calmly. Tyr 「Jun, You are an excellent swordsman, But you tend to worry a bit much.―Jun 「Truly?Tyr 「Yes, You need to have more faith in your own abilities. If the mind wanders, the hand weakens.―Jun 「If the mind wanders··· Conversation with Tyr. Aesir 「Don't let him escape! Catch him, Jun! During patrol near the base, Jun's unit sees a Vanir scouting party. They defeat most of the enemy, but one escapes through the lines and runs for it. If he gets away it will spell trouble, so Jun, who is nimble, chases after him. ―Jun 「Stop!Vanir 「Huff huff··· O―Jun 「Yar!!Vanir 「Unnff!!―Jun 「You thought you could get away, eh! Fleet-footed, you capture the prisoner. Vidar 「Jun, I want to leave this mission to you. O―Jun 「To me? (M, my lord··· Jun is entrusted with an important task that could turn the tide in the war. Jun's achievements have been recognized and this has brought advancement, but it has made him all the more uncomfortable. ―Jun 「Of course, I am honored by your confidence in me. But I worry if I am the best choice··· Worry over a major task. ―Jun 「Ai···I wonder if she is all right. ······. You're blind, but I left you all alone···Forgive your foolish brother! Thinking of his sister. Aesir 「We're completely surrounded.―Jun 「This is the end··· In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Jun fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Jun 「···. I'll draw them away.Aesir 「What?!―Jun 「You mustn't all die here. Leave this to me···Aesir 「Don't be a fool!―Jun 「Yaaaaaah!!!Aesir 「Ju, Jun!!! Sacrificing yourself for friends. Dying an honorable death. Wounded in the line of duty, Jun is administered to by Eir, at the base. Fortunately, the wound was not grievous, and Eir is optimistic about recovery. Eir 「There you go, all done.―Jun 「Thanks.Eir 「Think nothing of it. Healing is my job. It is good to give your all, but how sad it would be to scar up such a beautiful face.―Jun 「Beauty has little use in war.Eir 「That may be true, but isn't beauty preferable to ugliness?―Jun 「···. Conversation with Eir. Thor 「Jun, your exploits of late astonish me. You have been working hard.―Jun 「Thank you, lord.Thor 「I shall continue to expect much of you.―Jun 「I shall do my best to serve you, lord. Recent exploits praised. ―Lyseria 「Is there any meaning in this war? Aesir or Vanir, both sides have their complaints and their own sense of righteousness. No matter which side wins, I don't think it's going to change the world. It's senseless. Even trying to contemplate the suffering caused by this war is a task far beyond me··· Becoming pessimistic. Thor 「Lyseria, Don't you think you should assert Yourself a bit more?―Lyseria 「Lord Thor, I···Thor 「You like to appear subdued, but I know that the soul of a warrior lies sleeping within you. I know you are watching what goes on around you, but if you know something is right, you should fight for it.―Lyseria 「Yes, lord.Thor 「I have high expectations of you. You carry the blood of Mimir. Conversation with Thor. Aesir 「We're completely surrounded.―Lyseria 「We're finished··· In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Lyseria fought bravely, but despite her efforts, she is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Lyseria 「···. I will draw them away. You all must escape.Aesir 「What?!―Lyseria 「You must not die here. Leave it to me···Aesir 「Don't be a fool!―Lyseria 「The rest is in your hands!Aesir 「Ly, Lyseria!! Sacrificing yourself for friends. Dying an honorable death. Freya 「Lyseria, I'm amazed at your exploits of late. Mimir would be proud to call you kinswoman.―Lyseria 「···.OFreya 「I expect good things of you.―Lyseria 「Yes, my lady. I will do my very best not to disappoint you. Recent exploits praised. Aesir 「Our army was triumphant today, because all of you gave of your strength. Savor this victory, relax, and let your weary bodies rest. Soldiers in Badrach's unit won a stunning victory. They celebrate with a feast at the fort. All enjoy themselves. Badrach is loud with drink. ―Badrach 「···Aaahh! This grog's good!Aesir 「It is good to see you enjoying yourself. Have another?―Badrach 「Ah, yessss! The mead flows and the feast gets more animated. ―Badrach 「Ah, that was a fun battle. Wha?Aesir 「Har!―Vanir 「Unf! Warriors captured by the enemy are subject to many kinds of interregation. Wars fought in Asgard are no different. Even here, a Vanir prisoner is tortured by Aesir soldiers. ―Badrach 「Hey···you.Aesir 「What?―Badrach 「That's no way to throw a punch. Lemme have a shot. Ha ha ha!Vanir 「Unh, umph···!Aesir 「Hey, take it easy on him. We're after information, after all.―Badrach 「Yeah, yeah, I know!GVanir 「uungh···.―Badrach 「Huh? Don't go to sleep on me yet! Hey! Open yer eyes, dog!!Aesir 「···. Torturing prisoners is fun, but if they faint, you don't get any information. ―Badrach 「Hmm? What's this? While checking out Vanir's army base, after their defeat by Aesir's army, Badrach discovers a treasure chest and inside is a dazzling jewel··· ―Badrach 「Nobody saw nothin'···get me? ···. This one's mine. The gods wouldn't need somethin' like this anyway. He he he he. Pocketing the item you found. ―Badrach 「Guard duty is so boring··· Ain't nothin' gonna happen anyway.Aesir soldier 「Hey, don't say that. This is important.―Badrach 「Man, I almost wish the Vanir would come and attack already.Aesir soldier 「Hey, that's not funny! That's no joking matter!―Badrach 「Hey, settle down. I was kidding. Badrach and an Aesir soldier are on guard duty in the tower on a nice, peaceful afternoon. Exchanging small talk and smoking tobacco, just when they're sure that their shift will finish uneventfully,··· ―Badrach 「Huh?Aesir 「What is it? Did you see something?―Badrach 「No··· I think I mighta seen somethin' over there. Is it my imagination?Aesir 「Where did you say?―Badrach 「Over there. Near that soldier···Aesir 「I don't see anything.―Badrach 「···.Aesir 「You're just getting jumpy.―Badrach 「No···It IS them! Uh oh! And there's lots of 'em!! Hurry up and sound the alarm! Spotting enemy from afar Avoiding a surprise attack. O―Badrach 「This box here··· and these papers on this shelf. Badrach was ordered to straighten up the storeroom at the base. It is a simple task to sort the mountains of papers and items and place them in their respective places. But there is a staggering amount of them. Badrach gets bored and takes a quick break in a corner. ―Badrach 「··· This is such a bore. Why does an Einherjar have to To stuff like this? Hrrummph.Aesir 「Hey! Badrach Quit loafing off and get to work!―Badrach 「Yeah, yeah, alright already!! ···Leave me alone, will ya. Can't even take a break around here··· Avoiding menial labor. Aesir 「Don't let him escape! Catch him, Badrach!―Badrach 「Leave it to me! Badrach's unit discovers a Vanir scouting party while patrolling near the base. Most of the enemy were defeated, but one broke through the line and escaped. If he escapes, it will cause trouble later. Badrach, quick of foot, sets out after him. ―Badrach 「Stop right there!Vanir 「Huff huff···O―Badrach 「Gotcha!Vanir 「Oomph!―Badrach 「You know you're not getting away, so why even bother. Jeez! What a pain. Escapee is captured, because of nimbleness. ―Badrach 「Faah···I hate this. Skirting his guard duties, Badrach is taking a break against the wall. Vidar notices and steps closer. Vidar 「Badrach! What are you doing?―Badrach 「Ah, um···Vidar.Vidar 「You might be a great warrior, but you're an incompetent Einherjar. Your conduct is disgraceful.―Badrach 「He he, you're right. I'm no good.Vidar 「···. What would Lenneth think if she saw you now.―Badrach (···Don't you gods ever get tired of saying the same old boring things over and over? Once in a while, why don't you say 'You suck, you idiot!' or something? I think you'll feel better.Vidar 「What did you just say!?―Badrach 「Oh nothing, I didn't say nothing.Vidar 「···. Scolded by Vidar. Thor 「Badrach I'm pleased with your work of late. I expect good things of you.O―Badrach 「Ah, thank you, my Lord. Do you, ah, have a reward for me?Thor 「···Ha. You may be well skilled, but your weakness is your laziness.―Badrach 「Hmm, ya think so? Recent exploits praised. ―Grey 「···.GVanir 「Prepare yourself.―Grey 「Not yet. I'm not ready to quit yet! In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Grey fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Grey 「Ung, aaarghhh···.Aesir 「···Hey! Hey! Are you okay!?NO―Grey 「Unh···ngggg···.Aesir 「It looks like you're okay. You did well despite being outnumbered. I value that fighting spirit. Fought and lost with bravery. Rescued by compatriots. ―Grey 「Is this···? Grey is given a mission that many have attempted, but all failed. Although he has faced many perilous situations, he has always won, but now he faces his greatest challenge. ―Grey 「I can't pull back here. I've just got to do it. Given a dangerous mission. Wounded in the line of duty, Grey is administered to by Eir, at the base. Fortunately, the wound was not grievous, and Eir is optimistic about recovery. Eir 「There you go, all done.―Grey 「Thank you.Eir 「Think nothing of it. Healing is my job.―Grey 「···.Eir 「Listen, Grey. Your pain··· You bury it within yourself, but it's like poison. You need to let it out.―Grey 「I'm fine. You need not concern yourself. Conversation with Eir. Grey is taken prisoner by the enemy because of a blunder by his allies. The enemy whispers something to him. Vanir 「How about it? Tell me what I want to know and I'll let you go, okay?―Grey 「Forget it. I'll not sell you my comrades for the price of my life.Vanir 「You dare speak so arrogantly to me, Aesir scum?!―Grey 「Unnf!! Grey is beaten badly by the Vanir. Eventually he loses consciousness. ―Grey 「Hnh···?cHermod 「You're awake? That's a relief. I'm afraid this was all my fault. Does it hurt badly?―Grey 「No. I···I'm fine. Taken prisoner, but rescued. Aesir 「Ha, can ya believe it. ···Him saying stuff like that.―Grey 「···Aesir 「Oboy···Aesir 「That kinda thing··· Just gotta laugh about it, right?NO―Grey 「···Yeah, right.Aesir 「···.―Grey 「···.Aesir 「···you got no sense of humor. Conversation with Aesir. Many people die in large-scale wars. In the war that Grey fought in, a great many lost their lives. One was a soldier under Grey's command. ―Grey 「Are you okay?!Aesir 「Grey······ I···I'm gonna die, aren't I···?―Grey 「Don't try to talk. Just be brave. Help is on the way.Aesir 「I'm···counting···on you··· ···. ···. ···.―Grey 「Once again··· I must bury a good man··· Powerlessly watching the soldier die. Aesir 「We're completely surrounded.―Grey 「···. In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Grey fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Grey 「···. I will draw them away while you make your escape.Aesir 「What?!―Grey 「I was chosen by Valkyrie to be the blade of the gods. Now it's time to strike.Aesir 「What kind of foolish···!―Grey 「The rest is in your hands···Aesir 「G, Grey!! Sacrificing yourself for friends. Dying an honorable death. Thor 「Grey, your exploits of late astonish me. You have been working hard.NO―Grey 「It is nothing, my lord. Simply a soldier's duty.Thor 「Humble as usual. I shall continue to expect much of you.―Grey 「Yes, lord. It is my honor to serve. Recent exploits praised. Lorenta's unit suffered heavy injuries in the last skirmish. Lacking other help, Lorenta is looking after the wounded. ―Lorenta 「Are you all right? Where does it hurt?Aesir 「Uhh, uhhhh···―Lorenta 「Don't move. I will try to ease your pain. Devoted care-giver. Aesir 「How many times did I tell you not to do anything unless I told you! You humans are totally worthless, especially women.iO―Lorenta 「···. Lorenta is reprimanded for her actions during the previous battle. While she had been a bit rash, her mistakes were not severe enough to cause a scolding. She sees red over her superior's unwarranted criticisms. Aesir 「Inexcusable!!―Lorenta 「Sir, I apologize for not following our battle Plan, but under the circumstances, I didn't see any choice, did you?Aesir 「What?! Lorenta, you're talking back to me?!―Lorenta 「I don't mean to talk back, so I'm sorry if you see it that way. You may punish me as you see fit.Aesir 「Hmmph. Deal calmly with an emotional superior. OVidar 「Lorenta, I have a mission for you. I believe you can carry it out.iO―Lorenta 「Well, I will do what I can. Lorenta is entrusted with an important task that could turn the tide in the war. Her achievements have been recognized and this has brought advancement, but it has made her all the more uncomfortable. ―Lorenta 「Of course I am honored by your confidence in me. But I must admit···I am concerned about my abilities··· Worry over a major task. Aesir 「I cannot agree with what you say. It is madness.―Aesir 「That is what I should say! You have no idea what you speak of! There is a disquieting atmosphere in camp and arguments over differences of opinion on tactics. No one is giving any ground and everyone is tense. ―Aesir 「···What is it?Aesir 「···What?―Lorenta (I do not mind a healthy argument, but it is not good to be pig-headed.)―Lorenta 「It's good that all of you have your own opinions, but, we should also respect the opinions of others. Obstinacy is never a good thing. Let's combine our strengths and find the best plan. Mediate a dispute with a calm demeanor. Create a cooperative atmosphere. O Lorenta and several Aesir soldiers are organizing squads of soldiers to patrol the Rubornock Sea area. In recognition of her recent activities, Lorenta is chosen to lead the unit. However, her face, rather than showing happiness at being chosen, turns pale. ―Lorenta 「Umm··· This, uh, this mission is···Aesir 「Huh? What's wrong?―Lorenta 「It's ah···sea patrol, right?Aesir 「Yeah. We'll have to be doing some Underwater investigation too.―Lorenta 「Gulp···Aesir 「Is there a problem?―Lorenta 「···no···I guess···Aesir 「Huh? What did you say?―Lorenta 「···can't swim···Aesir 「I can't hear you. Speak more clearly.―Lorenta 「I, I can't swim.Aesir 「Huh??!―Lorenta 「You heard me, I can't swim. That's why this mission is··· Ruined big chance because cannot swim. ―Lorenta 「I can't...can't move.GVanir 「It seems you're prepared. You did well all alone. You have my respect. I'll kill you painlessly. During the battle, Lorenta is cornered. She fought heroically to this point, but she can no longer hide her exhaustion. She bears a wound on her leg and believes she can no longer run. ―Lorenta (···to be with my love again··· I'm ready to die now!! Vanir 「Gnnnn! gUuunff!! Yaaaaar!!!―Lorenta 「Huh?!sHodur 「Are you all right?―Lorenta 「Hodur!!Hodur 「It seems I was in time? Are you hurt badly?―Lorenta 「I···I'll be okay. It's just my leg··· I can still walk.Hodur 「Don't push yourself too hard. Hodur picks Lorenta up in his arms. ―Lorenta 「Ah···Hodur 「Here I go. Hold on tight. I'll carry you to the fort.―Lorenta 「···Yes, thank you. Rescued by Hodur, a close call. Ull 「You are so elegant, Lorenta. I see why you were headmistress.―Lorenta 「Really? You think me so? I never saw myself that way.Ull 「That is what makes you elegant. Conversation with Ull. Thor 「Lorenta, you impress me. I see why you are called the greatest Sorceress of Midgard.iO―Lorenta 「It's nothing, really.Thor 「Don't be so humble. I'm counting on your strength―Lorenta 「Yes. I will serve as best I can. Recent exploits praised. Suo 「Shiho, I am overjoyed to see you again. From now on, I will protect you. I won't let anything bad happen.―Shiho 「Suo···Suo 「Shiho··· Reunion with Suo ―Shiho 「Kaff···kaff···Aesir 「Shiho, are you ill? Your head burns with fever. The day before the battle, Shiho is physically exhausted. She seems to have caught the Asgard Flu. Wracked by fever, she cannot even walk. It is impossible for her to fight. ―Shiho 「Forgive me··· To become ill at a time like this··· It is unforgivable. Kaff···kaff···Aesir 「Do not blame yourself. Just try to get better soon. Keeping fit is also your duty. You're frail, so you must be disciplined.―Shiho 「Yes, sir··· Becomes ill and cannot join battle. Tyr 「Our army was triumphant today, because all of you gave of your strength. Savor this victory, relax, and let your weary bodies rest. Soldiers in Shiho's unit won a stunning victory. They celebrate with a feast at the fort. All enjoy themselves, but Shiho cannot hold her drink and··· ―Shiho 「···.Aesir 「What'w wrong, Shiho? You can't drink?―Shiho 「Yes, it's true. I'm not very strong···Aesir 「C'mon just a little bit. How 'bout it?―Shiho 「Well···just a little. Thank you.―Shiho 「ZZZZZ···Aesir 「Passed out, eh. Perhaps I shouldn't have··· Drunk too quickly. Ruins the feast. OEir 「Shiho···what's wrong?―Shiho 「Lady Eir, do you think me a selfish girl?Eir 「Eh?―Shiho 「I was tired of my obligations··· I prayed for death and was granted it.Eir 「···.―Shiho 「But still my heart feels unfulfilled. Even though I got what I wanted. ···. So my newest wish, the wish I made just before my death··· I'm sure that it won't ever be granted now···Eir 「Shiho··· Conversation with Eir Many people die in large-scale wars. In the war that Shiho fought in, a great many lost their lives. One was a soldier under Shiho's command ―Shiho 「Please! Hold on!Aesir 「Shi···Shiho··· I···I···can't···make it···―Shiho 「No! You mustn't say that! You must be strong!!Aesir 「I···I beg of you···win this war··· ···. ···. ···.―Shiho 「···Forgive me. If I had only been stronger. Powerlessly watching the soldier die. Thor 「Shiho, your exploits of late astonish me. It seems you are working hard.dO―Shiho 「Yes, lord. I thank the Lord Thor. I hope to live up to your expectations.Thor 「Yes. I expect you will. Recent exploits praised. ―Jayle 「Grr···GVanir 「Prepare to die.―Jayle 「No, not yet! I won't give up! Hiyaaah!! In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Jayle fought bravely, but despite her efforts, she is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Jayle 「Ha, hah! Is it···over? Overcoming adversity. Aesir 「Fool! That is why··· humans and women are both useless!rO―Jayle 「What did you say! Jayle was reprimanded for her actions during the previous battle. While she had certainly been a bit rash, her mistakes were not severe enough to be worth mentioning. She is seeing red over her superior's unwarranted criticisms. ―Jayle 「I don't care if you are my superior! I don't have to take abuse like that! Apologize now!Aesir 「Unf!!―Aesir 「Jayle, hands off!!rJayle 「But this guy!!―Aesir 「I don't care. He's your superior! Now hands off!!Jayle 「Grr! Got emotional and abused superior. OTyr 「Jayle, You were a knight on Midgard, correct?―Jayle 「Yes, I was.Tyr 「You are a brilliant warrior, so you must have had a good teacher.―Jayle 「···.Tyr 「What is wrong?―Jayle 「No···you're wrong. ···I had a superb teacher.Tyr 「I thought so. I can tell by your swordplay.―Jayle (Fahn···) Conversation with Tyr. Jayle is engrossed in preparations for tomorrow's battle. The last thing sha does is check the edge of her sword. ―Jayle 「Good···Sharp as a razor. She will serve me well as usual. Precise equipment check. Fully prepared for battle. ―Jayle 「What the··· Jayle is given a mission that many have attempted, but all failed. Although she has faced many perilous situations, she has always won, but now she faces her greatest challenge. ―Jayle 「If we can't go forward here, we'll never get through. Forward! Given a dangerous mission. Carries it out safely. Thor 「Jayle, your explots of late astonish me. Keep up the good work.rO―Jayle 「Yes, my lord Thor. Recent exploits praised. Many people die in large-scale wars. In the war that Suo fought in, a great many lost their lives. One was a soldier under Suo's command ―Suo 「Hang on! Aesir 「Su, Suo··· I···I···can't···make it···―Suo 「Do not try to speak.Aesir 「Please···please win for me··· ···. ···. ···.―Suo 「···Forgive me. If I had only been stronger··· Powerlessly watching the soldier die. ―Suo 「Grrr···GVanir 「Prepare to die.―Suo 「What! You have not yet defeated me! Have at you!! In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Suo fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Suo 「Ha ha! Humans are resilient, are they not? Overcoming a difficult situation. Aesir 「A dead end, eh?―Suo 「But there were no other passages··· Suo's unit searches inside the fort. They come to a small room in the back. There should be a passageway beyond which leads to a treasure-filled storeroom, but instead there is a wall and they cannot proceed forward. Aesir 「Our information must have been wrong.―Suo (···Huh? This block looks a little different··· It moves!)―Suo 「···What's this? A hidden switch!Aesir 「What? ···You're right. A switch. Well done, Suo. Now we'll find the storeroom. Found hidden switch after searching. Helped to find storeroom. Aesir 「We're completely surrounded.―Suo 「It appears so··· In the face of the overwhelming number of Vanir troops, the Aesir army is systematically wiped out. Suo fought bravely, but despite his efforts, he is eventually surrounded. And then··· ―Suo 「···. I'll draw them away. While I do that, you escape.Aesir 「What?!―Suo 「Otherwise we'll all die. Leave this to me.Aesir 「Don't be a fool!―Suo 「Win this war···for me!!Aesir 「Su, Suo!! Sacrificing yourself for friends. Dying an honorable death. ―Suo 「So this is it··· Suo is entrusted with an important task that could turn the tide in the war. Suo's achievements have been recognized and this has brought advancement, but it has made him all the more uncomfortable. ―Suo 「This is the end. There's no turning back now! Bravely takes dangerous mission. Carries it out successfully. Thor 「Suo, your exploits of late astonish me. You have been working hard.gO―Suo 「Your praise honors me, lord. It is my pleasure to serve.Thor. 「Good. I shall expect much good from you. Recent exploits praised. ―Lucian 「Valkyrie···Platina··· Deep in thought Aesir 「Don't let him escape! Catch him, Lucian! Lucian's unit discoveres a Vanir scouting party while patrolling near the base. Most of the enemy were defeated, but one broke through the line and escaped. If he escapes, it will cause trouble later. Lucian, quick of foot, sets out after him. ―Lucian 「Stop right there!Vanir 「Huff, huff···nO―Lucian 「Ha!Vanir 「Oomph!―Lucian 「I've got you! Escapee is captured, because of nimbleness. ―Lucian 「We've got it under control now··· Huh?! What the! Lucian's unit attacked the Vanir base and successfully brought it under control. While investigating a nearby forest, he notices a person hiding in the shadow of a tree. ―Lucian 「Who's that?!GVanir 「Uh, uhh······―Lucian 「A Vanir··· Wounded, eh···Vanir 「G, go ahead···kill me···―Lucian 「···. ···Run.Vanir 「Huh?!―Lucian 「I told you to run away! If you're caught, you'll be killed.Vanir 「You are···merciful. I think···that will be your death, someday.―Lucian 「Perhaps··· If Fate desires. Now hurry and run! Allows wounded enemy to flee. O―Lucian 「So I'm supposed to clean this up, right?Aesir 「Yes, that's right. It's a lot of work. It won't be easy.―Lucian 「Don't worry, I can do it. Lucian is ordered to clean the storeroom. He applies himself to the task with gusto. ―Lucian 「···Whew, I guess that's it.Aesir 「Well, it looks like you're done. An impressive job! You have my thanks. Takes even trivial tasks seriously Many people die in large-scale wars. In the war that Lucian fought in, a great many lost their lives. One was a soldier under Lucian's command. ―Lucian 「Hold on! Aesir 「Lu, Lucian··· I can't···make it···―Lucian 「Don't say that! You must be strong!!Aesir 「Please···win···for me··· ···. ···. ···.―Lucian 「···Forgive me. If only I were stronger··· Powerlessly watching the soldier die. Thor 「Lucian, your exploits of late astonish me. It seems you are working hard.nO―Lucian 「Thank you, lord.Thor 「Yes. I expect much from you in the future. Recent exploits praised.