LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/io - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: tmp.zDYK9MVh93 Lines: 290 429 67.6 %
Date: 2015-10-10 Functions: 31 35 88.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
       2             : // Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
       3             : //
       4             : //
       5             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
       6             : // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
       7             : // met:
       8             : //
       9             : //     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      10             : // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
      11             : //     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
      12             : // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
      13             : // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
      14             : // distribution.
      15             : //     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
      16             : // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
      17             : // this software without specific prior written permission.
      18             : //
      30             : 
      31             : // Author: (Kenton Varda)
      32             : //  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
      33             : //  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
      34             : //
      35             : // Here we have a hand-written lexer.  At first you might ask yourself,
      36             : // "Hand-written text processing?  Is Kenton crazy?!"  Well, first of all,
      37             : // yes I am crazy, but that's beside the point.  There are actually reasons
      38             : // why I ended up writing this this way.
      39             : //
      40             : // The traditional approach to lexing is to use lex to generate a lexer for
      41             : // you.  Unfortunately, lex's output is ridiculously ugly and difficult to
      42             : // integrate cleanly with C++ code, especially abstract code or code meant
      43             : // as a library.  Better parser-generators exist but would add dependencies
      44             : // which most users won't already have, which we'd like to avoid.  (GNU flex
      45             : // has a C++ output option, but it's still ridiculously ugly, non-abstract,
      46             : // and not library-friendly.)
      47             : //
      48             : // The next approach that any good software engineer should look at is to
      49             : // use regular expressions.  And, indeed, I did.  I have code which
      50             : // implements this same class using regular expressions.  It's about 200
      51             : // lines shorter.  However:
      52             : // - Rather than error messages telling you "This string has an invalid
      53             : //   escape sequence at line 5, column 45", you get error messages like
      54             : //   "Parse error on line 5".  Giving more precise errors requires adding
      55             : //   a lot of code that ends up basically as complex as the hand-coded
      56             : //   version anyway.
      57             : // - The regular expression to match a string literal looks like this:
      58             : //     kString  = new RE("(\"([^\"\\\\]|"              // non-escaped
      59             : //                       "\\\\[abfnrtv?\"'\\\\0-7]|"   // normal escape
      60             : //                       "\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F])*\"|"       // hex escape
      61             : //                       "\'([^\'\\\\]|"        // Also support single-quotes.
      62             : //                       "\\\\[abfnrtv?\"'\\\\0-7]|"
      63             : //                       "\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F])*\')");
      64             : //   Verifying the correctness of this line noise is actually harder than
      65             : //   verifying the correctness of ConsumeString(), defined below.  I'm not
      66             : //   even confident that the above is correct, after staring at it for some
      67             : //   time.
      68             : // - PCRE is fast, but there's still more overhead involved than the code
      69             : //   below.
      70             : // - Sadly, regular expressions are not part of the C standard library, so
      71             : //   using them would require depending on some other library.  For the
      72             : //   open source release, this could be really annoying.  Nobody likes
      73             : //   downloading one piece of software just to find that they need to
      74             : //   download something else to make it work, and in all likelihood
      75             : //   people downloading Protocol Buffers will already be doing so just
      76             : //   to make something else work.  We could include a copy of PCRE with
      77             : //   our code, but that obligates us to keep it up-to-date and just seems
      78             : //   like a big waste just to save 200 lines of code.
      79             : //
      80             : // On a similar but unrelated note, I'm even scared to use ctype.h.
      81             : // Apparently functions like isalpha() are locale-dependent.  So, if we used
      82             : // that, then if this code is being called from some program that doesn't
      83             : // have its locale set to "C", it would behave strangely.  We can't just set
      84             : // the locale to "C" ourselves since we might break the calling program that
      85             : // way, particularly if it is multi-threaded.  WTF?  Someone please let me
      86             : // (Kenton) know if I'm missing something here...
      87             : //
      88             : // I'd love to hear about other alternatives, though, as this code isn't
      89             : // exactly pretty.
      90             : 
      91             : #include <google/protobuf/io/tokenizer.h>
      92             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
      93             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/logging.h>
      94             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/stringprintf.h>
      95             : #include <google/protobuf/io/strtod.h>
      96             : #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
      97             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
      98             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/stl_util.h>
      99             : 
     100             : namespace google {
     101             : namespace protobuf {
     102             : namespace io {
     103             : namespace {
     104             : 
     105             : // As mentioned above, I don't trust ctype.h due to the presence of "locales".
     106             : // So, I have written replacement functions here.  Someone please smack me if
     107             : // this is a bad idea or if there is some way around this.
     108             : //
     109             : // These "character classes" are designed to be used in template methods.
     110             : // For instance, Tokenizer::ConsumeZeroOrMore<Whitespace>() will eat
     111             : // whitespace.
     112             : 
     113             : // Note:  No class is allowed to contain '\0', since this is used to mark end-
     114             : //   of-input and is handled specially.
     115             : 
     116             : #define CHARACTER_CLASS(NAME, EXPRESSION)      \
     117             :   class NAME {                                 \
     118             :    public:                                     \
     119             :     static inline bool InClass(char c) {       \
     120             :       return EXPRESSION;                       \
     121             :     }                                          \
     122             :   }
     123             : 
     124       52991 : CHARACTER_CLASS(Whitespace, c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' ||
     125             :                             c == '\r' || c == '\v' || c == '\f');
     126       26003 : CHARACTER_CLASS(WhitespaceNoNewline, c == ' ' || c == '\t' ||
     127             :                                      c == '\r' || c == '\v' || c == '\f');
     128             : 
     129       32225 : CHARACTER_CLASS(Unprintable, c < ' ' && c > '\0');
     130             : 
     131       25918 : CHARACTER_CLASS(Digit, '0' <= c && c <= '9');
     132          58 : CHARACTER_CLASS(OctalDigit, '0' <= c && c <= '7');
     133         298 : CHARACTER_CLASS(HexDigit, ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
     134             :                           ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') ||
     135             :                           ('A' <= c && c <= 'F'));
     136             : 
     137       35725 : CHARACTER_CLASS(Letter, ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
     138             :                         ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
     139             :                         (c == '_'));
     140             : 
     141      206245 : CHARACTER_CLASS(Alphanumeric, ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
     142             :                               ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
     143             :                               ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
     144             :                               (c == '_'));
     145             : 
     146          27 : CHARACTER_CLASS(Escape, c == 'a' || c == 'b' || c == 'f' || c == 'n' ||
     147             :                         c == 'r' || c == 't' || c == 'v' || c == '\\' ||
     148             :                         c == '?' || c == '\'' || c == '\"');
     149             : 
     150             : #undef CHARACTER_CLASS
     151             : 
     152             : // Given a char, interpret it as a numeric digit and return its value.
     153             : // This supports any number base up to 36.
     154             : inline int DigitValue(char digit) {
     155        7245 :   if ('0' <= digit && digit <= '9') return digit - '0';
     156         169 :   if ('a' <= digit && digit <= 'z') return digit - 'a' + 10;
     157         160 :   if ('A' <= digit && digit <= 'Z') return digit - 'A' + 10;
     158             :   return -1;
     159             : }
     160             : 
     161             : // Inline because it's only used in one place.
     162             : inline char TranslateEscape(char c) {
     163             :   switch (c) {
     164             :     case 'a':  return '\a';
     165             :     case 'b':  return '\b';
     166             :     case 'f':  return '\f';
     167             :     case 'n':  return '\n';
     168             :     case 'r':  return '\r';
     169             :     case 't':  return '\t';
     170             :     case 'v':  return '\v';
     171             :     case '\\': return '\\';
     172             :     case '?':  return '\?';    // Trigraphs = :(
     173             :     case '\'': return '\'';
     174             :     case '"':  return '\"';
     175             : 
     176             :     // We expect escape sequences to have been validated separately.
     177             :     default:   return '?';
     178             :   }
     179             : }
     180             : 
     181             : }  // anonymous namespace
     182             : 
     183         113 : ErrorCollector::~ErrorCollector() {}
     184             : 
     185             : // ===================================================================
     186             : 
     187          87 : Tokenizer::Tokenizer(ZeroCopyInputStream* input,
     188             :                      ErrorCollector* error_collector)
     189             :   : input_(input),
     190             :     error_collector_(error_collector),
     191             :     buffer_(NULL),
     192             :     buffer_size_(0),
     193             :     buffer_pos_(0),
     194             :     read_error_(false),
     195             :     line_(0),
     196             :     column_(0),
     197             :     record_target_(NULL),
     198             :     record_start_(-1),
     199             :     allow_f_after_float_(false),
     200             :     comment_style_(CPP_COMMENT_STYLE),
     201             :     require_space_after_number_(true),
     202         261 :     allow_multiline_strings_(false) {
     203             : 
     204          87 :   current_.line = 0;
     205          87 :   current_.column = 0;
     206          87 :   current_.end_column = 0;
     207          87 :   current_.type = TYPE_START;
     208             : 
     209          87 :   Refresh();
     210          87 : }
     211             : 
     212         261 : Tokenizer::~Tokenizer() {
     213             :   // If we had any buffer left unread, return it to the underlying stream
     214             :   // so that someone else can read it.
     215          87 :   if (buffer_size_ > buffer_pos_) {
     216           0 :     input_->BackUp(buffer_size_ - buffer_pos_);
     217             :   }
     218          87 : }
     219             : 
     220             : // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     221             : // Internal helpers.
     222             : 
     223      591378 : void Tokenizer::NextChar() {
     224             :   // Update our line and column counters based on the character being
     225             :   // consumed.
     226      591378 :   if (current_char_ == '\n') {
     227       10190 :     ++line_;
     228       10190 :     column_ = 0;
     229      581188 :   } else if (current_char_ == '\t') {
     230           0 :     column_ += kTabWidth - column_ % kTabWidth;
     231             :   } else {
     232      581188 :     ++column_;
     233             :   }
     234             : 
     235             :   // Advance to the next character.
     236      591378 :   ++buffer_pos_;
     237      591378 :   if (buffer_pos_ < buffer_size_) {
     238      591252 :     current_char_ = buffer_[buffer_pos_];
     239             :   } else {
     240         126 :     Refresh();
     241             :   }
     242      591378 : }
     243             : 
     244         213 : void Tokenizer::Refresh() {
     245         213 :   if (read_error_) {
     246           0 :     current_char_ = '\0';
     247          87 :     return;
     248             :   }
     249             : 
     250             :   // If we're in a token, append the rest of the buffer to it.
     251         213 :   if (record_target_ != NULL && record_start_ < buffer_size_) {
     252          46 :     record_target_->append(buffer_ + record_start_, buffer_size_ - record_start_);
     253          46 :     record_start_ = 0;
     254             :   }
     255             : 
     256         213 :   const void* data = NULL;
     257         213 :   buffer_ = NULL;
     258         213 :   buffer_pos_ = 0;
     259         126 :   do {
     260         213 :     if (!input_->Next(&data, &buffer_size_)) {
     261             :       // end of stream (or read error)
     262          87 :       buffer_size_ = 0;
     263          87 :       read_error_ = true;
     264          87 :       current_char_ = '\0';
     265          87 :       return;
     266             :     }
     267         126 :   } while (buffer_size_ == 0);
     268             : 
     269         126 :   buffer_ = static_cast<const char*>(data);
     270             : 
     271         126 :   current_char_ = buffer_[0];
     272             : }
     273             : 
     274             : inline void Tokenizer::RecordTo(string* target) {
     275       36246 :   record_target_ = target;
     276       36246 :   record_start_ = buffer_pos_;
     277             : }
     278             : 
     279       36246 : inline void Tokenizer::StopRecording() {
     280             :   // Note:  The if() is necessary because some STL implementations crash when
     281             :   //   you call string::append(NULL, 0), presumably because they are trying to
     282             :   //   be helpful by detecting the NULL pointer, even though there's nothing
     283             :   //   wrong with reading zero bytes from NULL.
     284       36246 :   if (buffer_pos_ != record_start_) {
     285       36229 :     record_target_->append(buffer_ + record_start_, buffer_pos_ - record_start_);
     286             :   }
     287       36246 :   record_target_ = NULL;
     288       36246 :   record_start_ = -1;
     289       36246 : }
     290             : 
     291       32225 : inline void Tokenizer::StartToken() {
     292       32225 :   current_.type = TYPE_START;    // Just for the sake of initializing it.
     293       32225 :   current_.text.clear();
     294       32225 :   current_.line = line_;
     295       32225 :   current_.column = column_;
     296       32225 :   RecordTo(&current_.text);
     297       32225 : }
     298             : 
     299             : inline void Tokenizer::EndToken() {
     300       32225 :   StopRecording();
     301       32225 :   current_.end_column = column_;
     302             : }
     303             : 
     304             : // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     305             : // Helper methods that consume characters.
     306             : 
     307             : template<typename CharacterClass>
     308             : inline bool Tokenizer::LookingAt() {
     309             :   return CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_);
     310             : }
     311             : 
     312             : template<typename CharacterClass>
     313       32253 : inline bool Tokenizer::TryConsumeOne() {
     314      102139 :   if (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
     315       16735 :     NextChar();
     316       13341 :     return true;
     317             :   } else {
     318             :     return false;
     319             :   }
     320             : }
     321             : 
     322             : inline bool Tokenizer::TryConsume(char c) {
     323      143538 :   if (current_char_ == c) {
     324       20114 :     NextChar();
     325             :     return true;
     326             :   } else {
     327             :     return false;
     328             :   }
     329             : }
     330             : 
     331             : template<typename CharacterClass>
     332       60790 : inline void Tokenizer::ConsumeZeroOrMore() {
     333      644860 :   while (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
     334      227793 :     NextChar();
     335             :   }
     336       60790 : }
     337             : 
     338             : template<typename CharacterClass>
     339          30 : inline void Tokenizer::ConsumeOneOrMore(const char* error) {
     340          60 :   if (!CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
     341           0 :     AddError(error);
     342             :   } else {
     343         280 :     do {
     344         280 :       NextChar();
     345         280 :     } while (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_));
     346             :   }
     347          30 : }
     348             : 
     349             : // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     350             : // Methods that read whole patterns matching certain kinds of tokens
     351             : // or comments.
     352             : 
     353        1262 : void Tokenizer::ConsumeString(char delimiter) {
     354             :   while (true) {
     355      117390 :     switch (current_char_) {
     356             :       case '\0':
     357           0 :         AddError("Unexpected end of string.");
     358           0 :         return;
     359             : 
     360             :       case '\n': {
     361           0 :         if (!allow_multiline_strings_) {
     362           0 :           AddError("String literals cannot cross line boundaries.");
     363           0 :           return;
     364             :         }
     365           0 :         NextChar();
     366           0 :         break;
     367             :       }
     368             : 
     369             :       case '\\': {
     370             :         // An escape sequence.
     371          27 :         NextChar();
     372          27 :         if (TryConsumeOne<Escape>()) {
     373             :           // Valid escape sequence.
     374          11 :         } else if (TryConsumeOne<OctalDigit>()) {
     375             :           // Possibly followed by two more octal digits, but these will
     376             :           // just be consumed by the main loop anyway so we don't need
     377             :           // to do so explicitly here.
     378           1 :         } else if (TryConsume('x') || TryConsume('X')) {
     379           1 :           if (!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>()) {
     380           0 :             AddError("Expected hex digits for escape sequence.");
     381             :           }
     382             :           // Possibly followed by another hex digit, but again we don't care.
     383           0 :         } else if (TryConsume('u')) {
     384           0 :           if (!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
     385           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
     386           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
     387           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>()) {
     388           0 :             AddError("Expected four hex digits for \\u escape sequence.");
     389             :           }
     390           0 :         } else if (TryConsume('U')) {
     391             :           // We expect 8 hex digits; but only the range up to 0x10ffff is
     392             :           // legal.
     393           0 :           if (!TryConsume('0') ||
     394           0 :               !TryConsume('0') ||
     395           0 :               !(TryConsume('0') || TryConsume('1')) ||
     396           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
     397           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
     398           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
     399           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>() ||
     400           0 :               !TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>()) {
     401             :             AddError("Expected eight hex digits up to 10ffff for \\U escape "
     402           0 :                      "sequence");
     403             :           }
     404             :         } else {
     405           0 :           AddError("Invalid escape sequence in string literal.");
     406             :         }
     407             :         break;
     408             :       }
     409             : 
     410             :       default: {
     411      117363 :         if (current_char_ == delimiter) {
     412        1262 :           NextChar();
     413        1262 :           return;
     414             :         }
     415      116101 :         NextChar();
     416      116101 :         break;
     417             :       }
     418             :     }
     419             :   }
     420             : }
     421             : 
     422        3466 : Tokenizer::TokenType Tokenizer::ConsumeNumber(bool started_with_zero,
     423        3525 :                                               bool started_with_dot) {
     424        3466 :   bool is_float = false;
     425             : 
     426        3607 :   if (started_with_zero && (TryConsume('x') || TryConsume('X'))) {
     427             :     // A hex number (started with "0x").
     428          23 :     ConsumeOneOrMore<HexDigit>("\"0x\" must be followed by hex digits.");
     429             : 
     430        3561 :   } else if (started_with_zero && LookingAt<Digit>()) {
     431             :     // An octal number (had a leading zero).
     432             :     ConsumeZeroOrMore<OctalDigit>();
     433           0 :     if (LookingAt<Digit>()) {
     434           0 :       AddError("Numbers starting with leading zero must be in octal.");
     435             :       ConsumeZeroOrMore<Digit>();
     436             :     }
     437             : 
     438             :   } else {
     439             :     // A decimal number.
     440        3443 :     if (started_with_dot) {
     441             :       is_float = true;
     442             :       ConsumeZeroOrMore<Digit>();
     443             :     } else {
     444             :       ConsumeZeroOrMore<Digit>();
     445             : 
     446        3443 :       if (TryConsume('.')) {
     447             :         is_float = true;
     448             :         ConsumeZeroOrMore<Digit>();
     449             :       }
     450             :     }
     451             : 
     452        6880 :     if (TryConsume('e') || TryConsume('E')) {
     453           7 :       is_float = true;
     454           7 :       TryConsume('-') || TryConsume('+');
     455           7 :       ConsumeOneOrMore<Digit>("\"e\" must be followed by exponent.");
     456             :     }
     457             : 
     458        3451 :     if (allow_f_after_float_ && (TryConsume('f') || TryConsume('F'))) {
     459           0 :       is_float = true;
     460             :     }
     461             :   }
     462             : 
     463        6932 :   if (LookingAt<Letter>() && require_space_after_number_) {
     464           0 :     AddError("Need space between number and identifier.");
     465        3466 :   } else if (current_char_ == '.') {
     466           0 :     if (is_float) {
     467             :       AddError(
     468           0 :         "Already saw decimal point or exponent; can't have another one.");
     469             :     } else {
     470           0 :       AddError("Hex and octal numbers must be integers.");
     471             :     }
     472             :   }
     473             : 
     474        3466 :   return is_float ? TYPE_FLOAT : TYPE_INTEGER;
     475             : }
     476             : 
     477        4025 : void Tokenizer::ConsumeLineComment(string* content) {
     478        4025 :   if (content != NULL) RecordTo(content);
     479             : 
     480      199458 :   while (current_char_ != '\0' && current_char_ != '\n') {
     481      195433 :     NextChar();
     482             :   }
     483             :   TryConsume('\n');
     484             : 
     485        4025 :   if (content != NULL) StopRecording();
     486        4025 : }
     487             : 
     488           1 : void Tokenizer::ConsumeBlockComment(string* content) {
     489           1 :   int start_line = line_;
     490           1 :   int start_column = column_ - 2;
     491             : 
     492           1 :   if (content != NULL) RecordTo(content);
     493             : 
     494             :   while (true) {
     495          32 :     while (current_char_ != '\0' &&
     496          15 :            current_char_ != '*' &&
     497          31 :            current_char_ != '/' &&
     498             :            current_char_ != '\n') {
     499          15 :       NextChar();
     500             :     }
     501             : 
     502           1 :     if (TryConsume('\n')) {
     503           0 :       if (content != NULL) StopRecording();
     504             : 
     505             :       // Consume leading whitespace and asterisk;
     506           0 :       ConsumeZeroOrMore<WhitespaceNoNewline>();
     507           0 :       if (TryConsume('*')) {
     508           0 :         if (TryConsume('/')) {
     509             :           // End of comment.
     510             :           break;
     511             :         }
     512             :       }
     513             : 
     514           0 :       if (content != NULL) RecordTo(content);
     515           2 :     } else if (TryConsume('*') && TryConsume('/')) {
     516             :       // End of comment.
     517           1 :       if (content != NULL) {
     518           0 :         StopRecording();
     519             :         // Strip trailing "*/".
     520           0 :         content->erase(content->size() - 2);
     521             :       }
     522             :       break;
     523           0 :     } else if (TryConsume('/') && current_char_ == '*') {
     524             :       // Note:  We didn't consume the '*' because if there is a '/' after it
     525             :       //   we want to interpret that as the end of the comment.
     526             :       AddError(
     527           0 :         "\"/*\" inside block comment.  Block comments cannot be nested.");
     528           0 :     } else if (current_char_ == '\0') {
     529           0 :       AddError("End-of-file inside block comment.");
     530             :       error_collector_->AddError(
     531           0 :         start_line, start_column, "  Comment started here.");
     532           0 :       if (content != NULL) StopRecording();
     533             :       break;
     534             :     }
     535             :   }
     536           1 : }
     537             : 
     538       47466 : Tokenizer::NextCommentStatus Tokenizer::TryConsumeCommentStart() {
     539       94865 :   if (comment_style_ == CPP_COMMENT_STYLE && TryConsume('/')) {
     540        4026 :     if (TryConsume('/')) {
     541             :       return LINE_COMMENT;
     542           1 :     } else if (TryConsume('*')) {
     543             :       return BLOCK_COMMENT;
     544             :     } else {
     545             :       // Oops, it was just a slash.  Return it.
     546           0 :       current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
     547           0 :       current_.text = "/";
     548           0 :       current_.line = line_;
     549           0 :       current_.column = column_ - 1;
     550           0 :       current_.end_column = column_;
     551           0 :       return SLASH_NOT_COMMENT;
     552             :     }
     553       43507 :   } else if (comment_style_ == SH_COMMENT_STYLE && TryConsume('#')) {
     554             :     return LINE_COMMENT;
     555             :   } else {
     556       43440 :     return NO_COMMENT;
     557             :   }
     558             : }
     559             : 
     560             : // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     561             : 
     562       64537 : bool Tokenizer::Next() {
     563       32312 :   previous_ = current_;
     564             : 
     565       32317 :   while (!read_error_) {
     566       32230 :     ConsumeZeroOrMore<Whitespace>();
     567             : 
     568       32230 :     switch (TryConsumeCommentStart()) {
     569             :       case LINE_COMMENT:
     570           4 :         ConsumeLineComment(NULL);
     571           4 :         continue;
     572             :       case BLOCK_COMMENT:
     573           1 :         ConsumeBlockComment(NULL);
     574           1 :         continue;
     575             :       case SLASH_NOT_COMMENT:
     576             :         return true;
     577             :       case NO_COMMENT:
     578             :         break;
     579             :     }
     580             : 
     581             :     // Check for EOF before continuing.
     582       32225 :     if (read_error_) break;
     583             : 
     584       64450 :     if (LookingAt<Unprintable>() || current_char_ == '\0') {
     585           0 :       AddError("Invalid control characters encountered in text.");
     586           0 :       NextChar();
     587             :       // Skip more unprintable characters, too.  But, remember that '\0' is
     588             :       // also what current_char_ is set to after EOF / read error.  We have
     589             :       // to be careful not to go into an infinite loop of trying to consume
     590             :       // it, so make sure to check read_error_ explicitly before consuming
     591             :       // '\0'.
     592           0 :       while (TryConsumeOne<Unprintable>() ||
     593           0 :              (!read_error_ && TryConsume('\0'))) {
     594             :         // Ignore.
     595             :       }
     596             : 
     597             :     } else {
     598             :       // Reading some sort of token.
     599       32225 :       StartToken();
     600             : 
     601       32225 :       if (TryConsumeOne<Letter>()) {
     602       13324 :         ConsumeZeroOrMore<Alphanumeric>();
     603       13324 :         current_.type = TYPE_IDENTIFIER;
     604       18901 :       } else if (TryConsume('0')) {
     605          82 :         current_.type = ConsumeNumber(true, false);
     606       18819 :       } else if (TryConsume('.')) {
     607             :         // This could be the beginning of a floating-point number, or it could
     608             :         // just be a '.' symbol.
     609             : 
     610         555 :         if (TryConsumeOne<Digit>()) {
     611             :           // It's a floating-point number.
     612           0 :           if (previous_.type == TYPE_IDENTIFIER &&
     613           0 :               current_.line == previous_.line &&
     614           0 :               current_.column == previous_.end_column) {
     615             :             // We don't accept syntax like "blah.123".
     616             :             error_collector_->AddError(line_, column_ - 2,
     617           0 :               "Need space between identifier and decimal point.");
     618             :           }
     619           0 :           current_.type = ConsumeNumber(false, true);
     620             :         } else {
     621         555 :           current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
     622             :         }
     623       18264 :       } else if (TryConsumeOne<Digit>()) {
     624        3384 :         current_.type = ConsumeNumber(false, false);
     625       14880 :       } else if (TryConsume('\"')) {
     626        1242 :         ConsumeString('\"');
     627        1242 :         current_.type = TYPE_STRING;
     628       13638 :       } else if (TryConsume('\'')) {
     629          20 :         ConsumeString('\'');
     630          20 :         current_.type = TYPE_STRING;
     631             :       } else {
     632             :         // Check if the high order bit is set.
     633       13618 :         if (current_char_ & 0x80) {
     634             :           error_collector_->AddError(line_, column_,
     635             :               StringPrintf("Interpreting non ascii codepoint %d.",
     636           0 :                            static_cast<unsigned char>(current_char_)));
     637             :         }
     638       13618 :         NextChar();
     639       13618 :         current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
     640             :       }
     641             : 
     642             :       EndToken();
     643       32225 :       return true;
     644             :     }
     645             :   }
     646             : 
     647             :   // EOF
     648          87 :   current_.type = TYPE_END;
     649          87 :   current_.text.clear();
     650          87 :   current_.line = line_;
     651          87 :   current_.column = column_;
     652          87 :   current_.end_column = column_;
     653          87 :   return false;
     654             : }
     655             : 
     656             : namespace {
     657             : 
     658             : // Helper class for collecting comments and putting them in the right places.
     659             : //
     660             : // This basically just buffers the most recent comment until it can be decided
     661             : // exactly where that comment should be placed.  When Flush() is called, the
     662             : // current comment goes into either prev_trailing_comments or detached_comments.
     663             : // When the CommentCollector is destroyed, the last buffered comment goes into
     664             : // next_leading_comments.
     665             : class CommentCollector {
     666             :  public:
     667        5120 :   CommentCollector(string* prev_trailing_comments,
     668             :                    vector<string>* detached_comments,
     669             :                    string* next_leading_comments)
     670             :       : prev_trailing_comments_(prev_trailing_comments),
     671             :         detached_comments_(detached_comments),
     672             :         next_leading_comments_(next_leading_comments),
     673             :         has_comment_(false),
     674             :         is_line_comment_(false),
     675       10240 :         can_attach_to_prev_(true) {
     676        5120 :     if (prev_trailing_comments != NULL) prev_trailing_comments->clear();
     677        5120 :     if (detached_comments != NULL) detached_comments->clear();
     678        5120 :     if (next_leading_comments != NULL) next_leading_comments->clear();
     679        5120 :   }
     680             : 
     681       10240 :   ~CommentCollector() {
     682             :     // Whatever is in the buffer is a leading comment.
     683        5120 :     if (next_leading_comments_ != NULL && has_comment_) {
     684         647 :       comment_buffer_.swap(*next_leading_comments_);
     685             :     }
     686        5120 :   }
     687             : 
     688             :   // About to read a line comment.  Get the comment buffer pointer in order to
     689             :   // read into it.
     690             :   string* GetBufferForLineComment() {
     691             :     // We want to combine with previous line comments, but not block comments.
     692        4021 :     if (has_comment_ && !is_line_comment_) {
     693           0 :       Flush();
     694             :     }
     695        4021 :     has_comment_ = true;
     696        4021 :     is_line_comment_ = true;
     697             :     return &comment_buffer_;
     698             :   }
     699             : 
     700             :   // About to read a block comment.  Get the comment buffer pointer in order to
     701             :   // read into it.
     702             :   string* GetBufferForBlockComment() {
     703           0 :     if (has_comment_) {
     704           0 :       Flush();
     705             :     }
     706           0 :     has_comment_ = true;
     707           0 :     is_line_comment_ = false;
     708             :     return &comment_buffer_;
     709             :   }
     710             : 
     711             :   void ClearBuffer() {
     712         184 :     comment_buffer_.clear();
     713         184 :     has_comment_ = false;
     714             :   }
     715             : 
     716             :   // Called once we know that the comment buffer is complete and is *not*
     717             :   // connected to the next token.
     718        1923 :   void Flush() {
     719        1923 :     if (has_comment_) {
     720         184 :       if (can_attach_to_prev_) {
     721          66 :         if (prev_trailing_comments_ != NULL) {
     722          66 :           prev_trailing_comments_->append(comment_buffer_);
     723             :         }
     724          66 :         can_attach_to_prev_ = false;
     725             :       } else {
     726         118 :         if (detached_comments_ != NULL) {
     727         118 :           detached_comments_->push_back(comment_buffer_);
     728             :         }
     729             :       }
     730             :       ClearBuffer();
     731             :     }
     732        1923 :   }
     733             : 
     734             :   void DetachFromPrev() {
     735        1255 :     can_attach_to_prev_ = false;
     736             :   }
     737             : 
     738             :  private:
     739             :   string* prev_trailing_comments_;
     740             :   vector<string>* detached_comments_;
     741             :   string* next_leading_comments_;
     742             : 
     743             :   string comment_buffer_;
     744             : 
     745             :   // True if any comments were read into comment_buffer_.  This can be true even
     746             :   // if comment_buffer_ is empty, namely if the comment was "/**/".
     747             :   bool has_comment_;
     748             : 
     749             :   // Is the comment in the comment buffer a line comment?
     750             :   bool is_line_comment_;
     751             : 
     752             :   // Is it still possible that we could be reading a comment attached to the
     753             :   // previous token?
     754             :   bool can_attach_to_prev_;
     755             : };
     756             : 
     757             : } // namespace
     758             : 
     759        5120 : bool Tokenizer::NextWithComments(string* prev_trailing_comments,
     760             :                                  vector<string>* detached_comments,
     761           0 :                                  string* next_leading_comments) {
     762             :   CommentCollector collector(prev_trailing_comments, detached_comments,
     763        5120 :                              next_leading_comments);
     764             : 
     765        5120 :   if (current_.type == TYPE_START) {
     766             :     // Ignore unicode byte order mark(BOM) if it appears at the file
     767             :     // beginning. Only UTF-8 BOM (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF) is accepted.
     768          78 :     if (TryConsume((char)0xEF)) {
     769           0 :       if (!TryConsume((char)0xBB) || !TryConsume((char)0xBF)) {
     770             :         AddError("Proto file starts with 0xEF but not UTF-8 BOM. "
     771           0 :                  "Only UTF-8 is accepted for proto file.");
     772           0 :         return false;
     773             :       }
     774             :     }
     775          78 :     collector.DetachFromPrev();
     776             :   } else {
     777             :     // A comment appearing on the same line must be attached to the previous
     778             :     // declaration.
     779        5042 :     ConsumeZeroOrMore<WhitespaceNoNewline>();
     780        5042 :     switch (TryConsumeCommentStart()) {
     781             :       case LINE_COMMENT:
     782          64 :         ConsumeLineComment(collector.GetBufferForLineComment());
     783             : 
     784             :         // Don't allow comments on subsequent lines to be attached to a trailing
     785             :         // comment.
     786          64 :         collector.Flush();
     787             :         break;
     788             :       case BLOCK_COMMENT:
     789           0 :         ConsumeBlockComment(collector.GetBufferForBlockComment());
     790             : 
     791           0 :         ConsumeZeroOrMore<WhitespaceNoNewline>();
     792           0 :         if (!TryConsume('\n')) {
     793             :           // Oops, the next token is on the same line.  If we recorded a comment
     794             :           // we really have no idea which token it should be attached to.
     795             :           collector.ClearBuffer();
     796           0 :           return Next();
     797             :         }
     798             : 
     799             :         // Don't allow comments on subsequent lines to be attached to a trailing
     800             :         // comment.
     801           0 :         collector.Flush();
     802             :         break;
     803             :       case SLASH_NOT_COMMENT:
     804             :         return true;
     805             :       case NO_COMMENT:
     806        4978 :         if (!TryConsume('\n')) {
     807             :           // The next token is on the same line.  There are no comments.
     808          60 :           return Next();
     809             :         }
     810             :         break;
     811             :     }
     812             :   }
     813             : 
     814             :   // OK, we are now on the line *after* the previous token.
     815             :   while (true) {
     816       10194 :     ConsumeZeroOrMore<WhitespaceNoNewline>();
     817             : 
     818       10194 :     switch (TryConsumeCommentStart()) {
     819             :       case LINE_COMMENT:
     820        3957 :         ConsumeLineComment(collector.GetBufferForLineComment());
     821             :         break;
     822             :       case BLOCK_COMMENT:
     823           0 :         ConsumeBlockComment(collector.GetBufferForBlockComment());
     824             : 
     825             :         // Consume the rest of the line so that we don't interpret it as a
     826             :         // blank line the next time around the loop.
     827           0 :         ConsumeZeroOrMore<WhitespaceNoNewline>();
     828             :         TryConsume('\n');
     829             :         break;
     830             :       case SLASH_NOT_COMMENT:
     831             :         return true;
     832             :       case NO_COMMENT:
     833        6237 :         if (TryConsume('\n')) {
     834             :           // Completely blank line.
     835        1177 :           collector.Flush();
     836        1177 :           collector.DetachFromPrev();
     837             :         } else {
     838        5060 :           bool result = Next();
     839       10042 :           if (!result ||
     840        9360 :               current_.text == "}" ||
     841       13816 :               current_.text == "]" ||
     842        4378 :               current_.text == ")") {
     843             :             // It looks like we're at the end of a scope.  In this case it
     844             :             // makes no sense to attach a comment to the following token.
     845         682 :             collector.Flush();
     846             :           }
     847        5060 :           return result;
     848             :         }
     849             :         break;
     850             :     }
     851        5120 :   }
     852             : }
     853             : 
     854             : // -------------------------------------------------------------------
     855             : // Token-parsing helpers.  Remember that these don't need to report
     856             : // errors since any errors should already have been reported while
     857             : // tokenizing.  Also, these can assume that whatever text they
     858             : // are given is text that the tokenizer actually parsed as a token
     859             : // of the given type.
     860             : 
     861        3446 : bool Tokenizer::ParseInteger(const string& text, uint64 max_value,
     862             :                              uint64* output) {
     863             :   // Sadly, we can't just use strtoul() since it is only 32-bit and strtoull()
     864             :   // is non-standard.  I hate the C standard library.  :(
     865             : 
     866             : //  return strtoull(text.c_str(), NULL, 0);
     867             : 
     868        3446 :   const char* ptr = text.c_str();
     869        3446 :   int base = 10;
     870        3446 :   if (ptr[0] == '0') {
     871          82 :     if (ptr[1] == 'x' || ptr[1] == 'X') {
     872             :       // This is hex.
     873          23 :       base = 16;
     874          23 :       ptr += 2;
     875             :     } else {
     876             :       // This is octal.
     877             :       base = 8;
     878             :     }
     879             :   }
     880             : 
     881        3446 :   uint64 result = 0;
     882       10663 :   for (; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
     883        7217 :     int digit = DigitValue(*ptr);
     884        7217 :     GOOGLE_LOG_IF(DFATAL, digit < 0 || digit >= base)
     885             :       << " Tokenizer::ParseInteger() passed text that could not have been"
     886       14434 :          " tokenized as an integer: " << CEscape(text);
     887        7217 :     if (digit > max_value || result > (max_value - digit) / base) {
     888             :       // Overflow.
     889             :       return false;
     890             :     }
     891        7217 :     result = result * base + digit;
     892             :   }
     893             : 
     894        3446 :   *output = result;
     895        3446 :   return true;
     896             : }
     897             : 
     898          16 : double Tokenizer::ParseFloat(const string& text) {
     899          16 :   const char* start = text.c_str();
     900             :   char* end;
     901          16 :   double result = NoLocaleStrtod(start, &end);
     902             : 
     903             :   // "1e" is not a valid float, but if the tokenizer reads it, it will
     904             :   // report an error but still return it as a valid token.  We need to
     905             :   // accept anything the tokenizer could possibly return, error or not.
     906          16 :   if (*end == 'e' || *end == 'E') {
     907           0 :     ++end;
     908           0 :     if (*end == '-' || *end == '+') ++end;
     909             :   }
     910             : 
     911             :   // If the Tokenizer had allow_f_after_float_ enabled, the float may be
     912             :   // suffixed with the letter 'f'.
     913          16 :   if (*end == 'f' || *end == 'F') {
     914           0 :     ++end;
     915             :   }
     916             : 
     917          32 :   GOOGLE_LOG_IF(DFATAL, end - start != text.size() || *start == '-')
     918             :     << " Tokenizer::ParseFloat() passed text that could not have been"
     919          32 :        " tokenized as a float: " << CEscape(text);
     920          16 :   return result;
     921             : }
     922             : 
     923             : // Helper to append a Unicode code point to a string as UTF8, without bringing
     924             : // in any external dependencies.
     925           0 : static void AppendUTF8(uint32 code_point, string* output) {
     926           0 :   uint32 tmp = 0;
     927           0 :   int len = 0;
     928           0 :   if (code_point <= 0x7f) {
     929           0 :     tmp = code_point;
     930           0 :     len = 1;
     931           0 :   } else if (code_point <= 0x07ff) {
     932             :     tmp = 0x0000c080 |
     933           0 :         ((code_point & 0x07c0) << 2) |
     934           0 :         (code_point & 0x003f);
     935           0 :     len = 2;
     936           0 :   } else if (code_point <= 0xffff) {
     937             :     tmp = 0x00e08080 |
     938           0 :         ((code_point & 0xf000) << 4) |
     939           0 :         ((code_point & 0x0fc0) << 2) |
     940           0 :         (code_point & 0x003f);
     941           0 :     len = 3;
     942           0 :   } else if (code_point <= 0x1fffff) {
     943             :     tmp = 0xf0808080 |
     944           0 :         ((code_point & 0x1c0000) << 6) |
     945           0 :         ((code_point & 0x03f000) << 4) |
     946           0 :         ((code_point & 0x000fc0) << 2) |
     947           0 :         (code_point & 0x003f);
     948           0 :     len = 4;
     949             :   } else {
     950             :     // UTF-16 is only defined for code points up to 0x10FFFF, and UTF-8 is
     951             :     // normally only defined up to there as well.
     952           0 :     StringAppendF(output, "\\U%08x", code_point);
     953           0 :     return;
     954             :   }
     955           0 :   tmp = ghtonl(tmp);
     956           0 :   output->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&tmp) + sizeof(tmp) - len, len);
     957             : }
     958             : 
     959             : // Try to read <len> hex digits from ptr, and stuff the numeric result into
     960             : // *result. Returns true if that many digits were successfully consumed.
     961           0 : static bool ReadHexDigits(const char* ptr, int len, uint32* result) {
     962           0 :   *result = 0;
     963           0 :   if (len == 0) return false;
     964           0 :   for (const char* end = ptr + len; ptr < end; ++ptr) {
     965           0 :     if (*ptr == '\0') return false;
     966           0 :     *result = (*result << 4) + DigitValue(*ptr);
     967             :   }
     968             :   return true;
     969             : }
     970             : 
     971             : // Handling UTF-16 surrogate pairs. UTF-16 encodes code points in the range
     972             : // 0x10000...0x10ffff as a pair of numbers, a head surrogate followed by a trail
     973             : // surrogate. These numbers are in a reserved range of Unicode code points, so
     974             : // if we encounter such a pair we know how to parse it and convert it into a
     975             : // single code point.
     976             : static const uint32 kMinHeadSurrogate = 0xd800;
     977             : static const uint32 kMaxHeadSurrogate = 0xdc00;
     978             : static const uint32 kMinTrailSurrogate = 0xdc00;
     979             : static const uint32 kMaxTrailSurrogate = 0xe000;
     980             : 
     981             : static inline bool IsHeadSurrogate(uint32 code_point) {
     982           0 :   return (code_point >= kMinHeadSurrogate) && (code_point < kMaxHeadSurrogate);
     983             : }
     984             : 
     985             : static inline bool IsTrailSurrogate(uint32 code_point) {
     986           0 :   return (code_point >= kMinTrailSurrogate) &&
     987             :       (code_point < kMaxTrailSurrogate);
     988             : }
     989             : 
     990             : // Combine a head and trail surrogate into a single Unicode code point.
     991             : static uint32 AssembleUTF16(uint32 head_surrogate, uint32 trail_surrogate) {
     992             :   GOOGLE_DCHECK(IsHeadSurrogate(head_surrogate));
     993             :   GOOGLE_DCHECK(IsTrailSurrogate(trail_surrogate));
     994           0 :   return 0x10000 + (((head_surrogate - kMinHeadSurrogate) << 10) |
     995           0 :       (trail_surrogate - kMinTrailSurrogate));
     996             : }
     997             : 
     998             : // Convert the escape sequence parameter to a number of expected hex digits.
     999             : static inline int UnicodeLength(char key) {
    1000           0 :   if (key == 'u') return 4;
    1001           0 :   if (key == 'U') return 8;
    1002             :   return 0;
    1003             : }
    1004             : 
    1005             : // Given a pointer to the 'u' or 'U' starting a Unicode escape sequence, attempt
    1006             : // to parse that sequence. On success, returns a pointer to the first char
    1007             : // beyond that sequence, and fills in *code_point. On failure, returns ptr
    1008             : // itself.
    1009           0 : static const char* FetchUnicodePoint(const char* ptr, uint32* code_point) {
    1010           0 :   const char* p = ptr;
    1011             :   // Fetch the code point.
    1012           0 :   const int len = UnicodeLength(*p++);
    1013           0 :   if (!ReadHexDigits(p, len, code_point))
    1014             :     return ptr;
    1015           0 :   p += len;
    1016             : 
    1017             :   // Check if the code point we read is a "head surrogate." If so, then we
    1018             :   // expect it to be immediately followed by another code point which is a valid
    1019             :   // "trail surrogate," and together they form a UTF-16 pair which decodes into
    1020             :   // a single Unicode point. Trail surrogates may only use \u, not \U.
    1021           0 :   if (IsHeadSurrogate(*code_point) && *p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == 'u') {
    1022             :     uint32 trail_surrogate;
    1023           0 :     if (ReadHexDigits(p + 2, 4, &trail_surrogate) &&
    1024           0 :         IsTrailSurrogate(trail_surrogate)) {
    1025           0 :       *code_point = AssembleUTF16(*code_point, trail_surrogate);
    1026           0 :       p += 6;
    1027             :     }
    1028             :     // If this failed, then we just emit the head surrogate as a code point.
    1029             :     // It's bogus, but so is the string.
    1030             :   }
    1031             : 
    1032           0 :   return p;
    1033             : }
    1034             : 
    1035             : // The text string must begin and end with single or double quote
    1036             : // characters.
    1037        1252 : void Tokenizer::ParseStringAppend(const string& text, string* output) {
    1038             :   // Reminder: text[0] is always a quote character.  (If text is
    1039             :   // empty, it's invalid, so we'll just return).
    1040        1252 :   const size_t text_size = text.size();
    1041        1252 :   if (text_size == 0) {
    1042           0 :     GOOGLE_LOG(DFATAL)
    1043             :       << " Tokenizer::ParseStringAppend() passed text that could not"
    1044           0 :          " have been tokenized as a string: " << CEscape(text);
    1045        1252 :     return;
    1046             :   }
    1047             : 
    1048             :   // Reserve room for new string. The branch is necessary because if
    1049             :   // there is already space available the reserve() call might
    1050             :   // downsize the output.
    1051        1252 :   const size_t new_len = text_size + output->size();
    1052        1252 :   if (new_len > output->capacity()) {
    1053        1252 :     output->reserve(new_len);
    1054             :   }
    1055             : 
    1056             :   // Loop through the string copying characters to "output" and
    1057             :   // interpreting escape sequences.  Note that any invalid escape
    1058             :   // sequences or other errors were already reported while tokenizing.
    1059             :   // In this case we do not need to produce valid results.
    1060      118435 :   for (const char* ptr = text.c_str() + 1; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
    1061      117183 :     if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1] != '\0') {
    1062             :       // An escape sequence.
    1063          27 :       ++ptr;
    1064             : 
    1065          27 :       if (OctalDigit::InClass(*ptr)) {
    1066             :         // An octal escape.  May one, two, or three digits.
    1067          10 :         int code = DigitValue(*ptr);
    1068          20 :         if (OctalDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
    1069           8 :           ++ptr;
    1070          16 :           code = code * 8 + DigitValue(*ptr);
    1071             :         }
    1072          20 :         if (OctalDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
    1073           8 :           ++ptr;
    1074          16 :           code = code * 8 + DigitValue(*ptr);
    1075             :         }
    1076          10 :         output->push_back(static_cast<char>(code));
    1077             : 
    1078          17 :       } else if (*ptr == 'x') {
    1079             :         // A hex escape.  May zero, one, or two digits.  (The zero case
    1080             :         // will have been caught as an error earlier.)
    1081           1 :         int code = 0;
    1082           2 :         if (HexDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
    1083           1 :           ++ptr;
    1084           1 :           code = DigitValue(*ptr);
    1085             :         }
    1086           2 :         if (HexDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
    1087           1 :           ++ptr;
    1088           2 :           code = code * 16 + DigitValue(*ptr);
    1089             :         }
    1090           1 :         output->push_back(static_cast<char>(code));
    1091             : 
    1092          16 :       } else if (*ptr == 'u' || *ptr == 'U') {
    1093             :         uint32 unicode;
    1094           0 :         const char* end = FetchUnicodePoint(ptr, &unicode);
    1095           0 :         if (end == ptr) {
    1096             :           // Failure: Just dump out what we saw, don't try to parse it.
    1097           0 :           output->push_back(*ptr);
    1098             :         } else {
    1099           0 :           AppendUTF8(unicode, output);
    1100           0 :           ptr = end - 1;  // Because we're about to ++ptr.
    1101             :         }
    1102             :       } else {
    1103             :         // Some other escape code.
    1104          16 :         output->push_back(TranslateEscape(*ptr));
    1105             :       }
    1106             : 
    1107      234312 :     } else if (*ptr == text[0] && ptr[1] == '\0') {
    1108             :       // Ignore final quote matching the starting quote.
    1109             :     } else {
    1110      115904 :       output->push_back(*ptr);
    1111             :     }
    1112             :   }
    1113             : }
    1114             : 
    1115             : template<typename CharacterClass>
    1116          34 : static bool AllInClass(const string& s) {
    1117         526 :   for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
    1118         687 :     if (!CharacterClass::InClass(s[i]))
    1119             :       return false;
    1120             :   }
    1121             :   return true;
    1122             : }
    1123             : 
    1124          34 : bool Tokenizer::IsIdentifier(const string& text) {
    1125             :   // Mirrors IDENTIFIER definition in Tokenizer::Next() above.
    1126          34 :   if (text.size() == 0)
    1127             :     return false;
    1128          68 :   if (!Letter::InClass(
    1129             :     return false;
    1130          68 :   if (!AllInClass<Alphanumeric>(text.substr(1)))
    1131             :     return false;
    1132          34 :   return true;
    1133             : }
    1134             : 
    1135             : }  // namespace io
    1136             : }  // namespace protobuf
    1137             : }  // namespace google

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